Story of My Life

Oct 27, 2006 00:30

Finally...the weekend is almost upon us....

One thing I noticed about Emerson is that the papers are endless. As soon as I complete one, another is due. I just finished one and have two more due on the 6th (one of those must be 8 pages). After that, I have even more due, but I'm trying not to think about that just yet...

I was up late Tuesday night revising my final draft when my printer decided to be stupid and not print. It took an hour to get it to work again- an hour that I could've spent sleeping. And it cost me. I woke up the next morning at 8:30- the time that my writing class begins. I'm sure you can imagine my panicked reaction. Luckily, because of my past experience of having to be at school 6am every morning for dance team, I have overslept before and I know how to get ready super fast. I put on some makeup, threw my hair into a ponytail, and quickly dressed and managed to be in class by 8:45. Why did I oversleep? My only explanation is that I turned off my alarm and fell back asleep. Bad, bad. Ever since, I've been trying to go to bed earlier. Still not early, but nevertheless earlier. I want to be that perfect student- the one that's never absent or late, but then again nobody's perfect...

Hurray for an interesting weekend. Tomorrow I'm doing community service at the New England Aquarium by painting children's faces (it's for their Halloween celebration). Costumes are welcome, and I'm debating whether to dress up. If I do, I'll be sure to cover up on the subway- I don't want any strange stares... My roommate is giving prospective students tours on Saturday, so everything has to be tidied up in the suite. That night I'm going with a guy to a play. Not a date- it's for one of my classes and we're assigned partners. I'm just glad to finally get out of my suite and do something on the weekend for a change.

Now to vent about something that's been bugging me today: Why can't anyone clean up their own messes? Seriously, the dirty dishes in the kitchen are stacked so high in the sink I can't even pour myself a glass of water. My suitemates and I do this thing where we assign each other weekly chores, which I think works great when it simply involves wiping down a counter and tidying up a bit. But then, they expect me to do all their dishes. I'm always kind enough to wash my own dishes immediately after using them, but they can't bother to do the same. When I ask politely if they could wash their dishes, they start yelling at me. "It's your weekly job," they say. "We've had to do other people's dishes before too." Okay, but you don't have to. If everyone cleaned up their own messes, it wouldn't be a problem. Honestly, I hate the idea of washing someone else's dishes that have been soaking in gross water for almost a week. I don't think it's right to leave a mess for another suitemate to clean up. The weekly chores would be so much simpler if everyone was responsible for their own crap in the first place. Am I being completely unreasonable? Tell me. Because according to my suitemates, I am.

On the positive side...

The best part of the day: I received a package from my mom full of Halloween stuff and candy. Now the entire suite is decked out in Halloween decorations and I'm loaded with chocolate.

EDIT: Another interesting thing this week... A couple days ago I received a friend request on Facebook from a girl my age from Manchester. I thought that it was rather strange- it took me a few minutes to realize it was Amanaduial the Archer. I don't know if any other BDers have been in contact with her, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise to see she still exists in the online community. I noticed she does visit the BD every once and awhile, but she hasn't posted since April- before I returned from my year and a half disappearance. So really, I haven't been in contact with her for two years. It's exciting to finally hear from her again and honestly I feel a little tickled that she still remembers an old RPG buddy and chose to friend me of all people...

facebook, halloween, cleaning, school

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