It's been a good day...

Oct 28, 2006 04:08

Well, the aquarium was fun. I got to paint the faces of little kids wearing cute costumes, which was awesome. Plus, we got free food and free passes for the aquarium. There was a dad who tipped me $5, and I felt bad for taking the money considering that it was community service. So afterwards, I donated it to the aquarium, so it could go to a good cause. I really like that aquarium. The place is full of penguins, which happens to be my favorite animal- if I ever have more free time, I should start volunteering there. Then I could hang out with the penguins all I want...

Good news. I've been accepted into the Kasteel Well External Program! I'm actually going to live in the Netherlands for four whole months! Not only that, but I also get to travel throughout Europe during my free time. I can't think of a better way to spend a semester of college. For years, I've been trying to find a way to visit Europe, or at least somewhere overseas- in a year and half, I'll finally get that experience. All I have to do is send in a $300 deposit (which my parents are taking care of) and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA.

Here's something interesting. Today I found out the area in front of my school's Walker Building, where all my classes are, is going to be rather busy come Monday. Why? Because a Disney film will be shooting in front of that building as well as inside the Gypsy Bar (an extremely popular place for people to get drunk on the weekends), which is a couple buildings down. The movie's called "The Game Plan" and the main star is The Rock. Outside shooting won't take place until evening, but I really hope I can get a good glimpse of the set. After all, I am a film major and I've never seen a professional film shoot in person before. ...Oh, and in case anyone's confused to why a bar is next to one of the main class buildings- my school doesn't have a real campus. Being located in the middle of Boston (across from the Commons actually), the entire college is a group of around a half a dozen buildings within a few blocks of each other. I'm sure city people don't think not having a real campus is weird, but I know my friends back at home do...

It's really late. I should head off to bed....


kasteel well, aquarium, penguins, film shoot

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