Halloween: The only night of the year you could get away with murder.

Nov 11, 2007 02:43

Okay, Halloween was awesomely fun. At first I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I managed to get in contact with some friends, and we ended up going trick-or-treating on Beacon Hill (again). As I mentioned last year, trick-or-treating is supposed to be mainly for kids, but Beacon Hill is such a popular spot and a totally different experience than my Halloweens in the suburbs. It's quite common for college students to trick-or-treat over there; the residents are used to it and they often assume we're from Emerson (theatre majors and flamboyent gay men...so of course we take Halloween seriously). Well, my group of friends I don't think included theatre majors, but it did include gay men and drag, so it all fit in with the stereotype, lol. Anyways, there are so many college students that trick-or-treat; it's quite funny when you run into different groups.

Maybe people were still in a good mood from the Red Sox win, but this year no one turned us down because we were college students (last year several people asked us not to take any because they were saving it for actual kids; we kindly nodded and went on our way). In fact, I think everyone was a lot more generous with their handouts; more big candy bars, and I ended up with twice the amount of candy than I got last year. And this year, John Kerry's wife was back handing out large Hershey bars. She was wearing a witch hat and from what I could tell, she was very nice. All-in-all, Halloween was a great experience. I felt very social afterwards.

Some pictures (though now that almost everyone's on Facebook, I realise most of you have probably already seen them):

My current profile picture on Facebook (it'll change soon). I was a pirate, if you couldn't tell.

Me with my suitemate and a friend (who happens to also be from Idaho)

Me with more of my group: an 80's girl, a kitty, a vampire, Princess Buttercup, and the Dread Pirate (btw, Buttercup is really a guy and the Dread Pirate is a girl...in case you didn't notice).

Yay, Halloween! :D

Okay, so I'm getting caught up with my posting. I still need to write about the end of last week and how well this week has gone. That will have to wait until tomorrow...


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