Red Sox Madness

Nov 07, 2007 12:58

So, I just pulled an all-nighter writing a 10 page screenplay, only to find out that my class has been cancelled today. Aargh. So much for that. I'm planning to go back to sleep before my next class, but before I do that, I'll write my next post.

As most people would know (at least Americans), the Red Sox won the World Series. Not a big deal, you say? Well, it most certainly is in Boston. The Red Sox is the most favoured team I've ever seen, and people will just go crazy for them. I didn't watch them during the season, but I did watch all four games of the World Series (or at least parts of them). The Sox won very easily; the only exciting game was Game 3, and that was close. Anyways, the first moments after they won, there was screaming down the hallway of my dormitory. "We won! We won!" That only lasted two minutes, but it was fun. I looked outside into the streets only to find them empty. I found that odd since after Game 3, there was a lot of celebration; I even heard fireworks (but then it was a Saturday). But I quickly found out it was because the celebrations and riots didn't happen near the Common; they started at Fenway and Kenmore Square, of course. The celebrations were all over the news- after 2004 (I heard the riots were so bad, someone got killed) the police were all about business. There were hundreds of them patrolling the streets...there was even a calvary. And you can see for yourself why. Because this is how people in Boston celebrate:

image Click to view

Yeah, part of of me says it looks like a lot of fun, and another part of me says, how dangerous....good thing I wasn't there. I wonder whose trucks they tipped over...there's a reason you don't take your car out during the World Series (in Boston at least). So, it was wild.

The 30th was the parade. I missed; I'm quite mad about that. I really wanted to see, but I had class and felt obligated to go. I feel like I'm one of the only people who missed something really cool. :(  I just hope they win next year too, so that I can experience it. Though I missed the actual parade, I got caught up among the fans. The parade was on our street, so it was really hard to go against the crowd back to the residence hall, but I somehow survived. A couple pictures:

You've never seen so much Red Sox merchandise in your life. I felt out of place. Luckily, since I didn't miss the parade, my mom promised to pay me back if I bought souvenirs, so I did. On Friday, I got a t-shirt and a hat. A picture:

It's funny how a World Series win puts the entire city in a good mood. On the day of the parade, random fans were high-fiving me and anyone else they walk by. It's been quite interesting being part of this, even if I didn't get to participate in everything.

Coming Up: Halloween (yeah, I'm getting there)

red sox, boston

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