Getting Ready

Sep 06, 2007 02:23

I leave for Boston in less than two days and I'm hardly packed. Part of my procrastinating nature, I suppose. Plus, in order to fix my non-working wireless, I have to wipe the slate clean and reformat my computer. Ugh. This means backing everything up, then later reinstalling every program. You have no idea how pissed off that I have to go through with this..

My last day of work was on Monday. Though the pay was crap, I will miss the job. I enjoyed the environment, plus aside from a couple exceptions, the people who work there are really fun to talk to and I'll miss them. I'll probably work there again at least briefly next summer...I'll be in urgent need of cash by then and won't have time to apply for something else really. So... Labour Day weekend wasn't terribly busy except that we got in Rob Zombie's Halloween, our first R rated film since June. Being the slasher horror film it is, the movie happens to attract many teeny-boppers who are underage. So, we spent most of our work time watching the doors and kicking out kids who tried to sneak in. Ugh...I hate stupid teenagers. Btw, Halloween is a good movie. Since I don't have friends who like horror, I got to see it in a theatre alone. The movie wasn't that scary...but being in a theatre by myself was. Anyways, I was always so shocked when parents would take these little children to Halloween with them. I don't have problems with gore and nudity, but a seven-year-old shouldn't see that. Meh...just don't be complaining when your kid wakes you up in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare...

The last two days have been spent mostly shopping for things I need for school; clothes, dorm stuff, etc. My parents owe me a lot of money for certain things I bought over the last month, and once I get it I'll have a decent amount in my account. Still, it's not as much as I would've liked. I'm worried about Europe expenses and how I'll manage to pay for everything...I can't let myself run out too soon. I really need to find a campus job once I arrive in Boston.

Tonight I use my employee pass one last time and saw the documentary Sicko. Go see's a major eye opener about America's health care system...and how crappy it really is. Yeah...I've decided I'm moving to Europe. hospital bills there? Yeesh. Meanwhile, in the US, hospitals won't care for a patient who can't pay a bill or their insurance won't cover it. There was this story about a guy who lost part of his fingers in an accident. He didn't have insurance, so the doctors made him choose which finger he wanted sewn back on since he couldn't pay for both. We really need a national health plan. I thought it was funny how Michael Moore mocked those who were against national health coverage because they thought socialism, as well as communism was "evil." I hate stupid Capitalist bigots.  ...And then he shows us that Cuba has better health coverage than America. Haha. But really...the health system here is so so terrible...something needs to be changed..

Oh boy, I'm so tired and have so much to do. I might be in Boston the next time I find a chance to write here again.

work, movie theatre, health

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