A little bit lonely...

Sep 03, 2007 02:01

I feeling rather depressed right now...mainly because my parents are out-of-town and I'm all alone this weekend and feeling very lonely. Now, while I may be an introvert, I could never live alone. I'm too boring and would probably go crazy because I'm too lazy to invite people over all the time. Perhaps I could spend this alone time to be productive, or I could use this entry as an update...but I'm too lazy for that. The update will have to wait until tomorrow because right now I feel like doing some memes:

Stolen from Oddwen:

1. How tall are you?

2. Have you ever done heroin?
Hell no.

3. Do you own a gun?

4. Do you recycle?
Not as much as I should

5. Do you ever get nervous before a doctors apt??

6. What do you think about hot dogs?
I've been eating them a lot lately

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
O Holy Night, Carol of the Bells, Coventry Carol, Sleigh Ride (I can't just pick one)

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9. Can you do push ups?

10. Is your bathroom clean?

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?

12. Do you like painkillers?
sure...but it's not like I'm addicted or anything

13. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?
uhhh....should I make something up here?

14. Do you want children?
someday...in say, 10 years.

15. Are you afraid of scary movies?
I won't deny that some will scare me, but I still enjoy them

16. Middle Name?

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
lonely, sleepy, lazy

18. Name the last 3 things you have bought recently:
movie rentals, a dvd, dvd organizer

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink
Diet Coke
Diet Pepsi
Italian Cream Soda

20. Who is your hero?
don't have one

21. Last person you called?
my friend Angelica

22.Current worry?
which one?

23. Current hate?

24. Favorite place to be?

25. How did you bring in the new year?
sitting on the couch doing nothing

26. Where would you like to go?
Europe. I keep saying I wish I could just skip this first semester already.

27. Do you own slippers?
yes, but I only where them in winter

28. What shirt are you wearing?
a green tank

29. Do you burn or tan?
I burn, then tan. It comes with having the mix of English and Greek skin.

30. Favorite color(s)?
green and blue

32. Are you wearing socks right now?

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?
some random murderer or that my house would set on fire

35. What's in your pockets right now?

36. Last thing/person that made you laugh?
someone at my work, I'm guessing

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
Uhhh....the Little Mermaid ones

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
When a metal beam fell on my head and cracked it open. I had to get three stitches. Otherwise, I've been lucky.

39. Are you doing anything else right now?

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
I don't know...

42. Who is your most silent friend?

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
Well, I guess it's always a possibilty.... *wishful thinking*

44. Do you wish on shooting stars?

45. What is your favorite book?

46. What is your favorite candy?
Hmm....Hot Tamales maybe

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
Linger by the Cranberries is a good song. But I'd never make such a decision until my actual wedding.

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
I don't care. I'LL BE DEAD.

49. What were you doing @ 12 AM last night?
on the computer

50. What was the first thing you thought when you woke up?

Next one:

This Summer Have You..

Been On Vacation?:
I went to Georgia for a couple of weeks

Went Camping?:
Yes, thanks to Rune, I got my first camping trip in two years

Been On A Boat?:
a bumper boat, hehe

Went To The Ocean?:
yes, the Atlantic on a very windy day

Slept all day?:
of course

Went to the movies?:

Been on a Plane?:

a bunch

Partied too much?
no, I don't party

Summer This or That...

Flip-Flops or Barefoot?:

Beach or Pool?:

Ice cream or Snow cone?
ice cream

Bug-Bite or Sun Burn?:
bug bite

Hang With Friends or Family?:

Layout or Tanning bed?:
Lay out

Fans or A/C?:

Best of Summer..

A difficult choice....The Simpsons Movie

TV Show:
ick...all summer shows are reality shows. Amazingly, I don't watch TV in the summer.

didn't go to one

I'm still addicted to that Alphabeat music

Hangout Spot:

This Summer Who..

Made you angry?:
stupid customers

Made you laugh?:

Let you down?:
can't think of anyone

Surprised you?:

Lied to you?
no one

Made an offer you could not refuse?:
still uhhh

Gave you the best advice?:
my mom probably

Random Summer Questions..

What do you look forward to most about Summer?
relaxing and no homework

Do you spend more time partying or relaxing?

Did you set/accomplish goals this summer?
hmm...I suppose

Did you make any new friends?
yes...I'm actually gonna miss a couple of those co-workers

Do you sleep all day and stay up all night
I'm doing it right now

What’s your favorite food to eat during the summer?

Did you learn something new this summer?
can't think of anything

Do you already have plans for next summer?
Well, since I'll just be getting back from Europe, I expect I'll be very depressed the first weeks, then I'll be working my very broke ass off the rest of the summer...


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