Work and Stuff

May 28, 2007 00:47

I worked 24 hours this weekend. Fun (not really). If I got paid more, I'd be making so much money right now. When will the minimum wage go up? Probably not soon enough. As exhausting as it's been, I do enjoy working at the theatre. I'm one of the more responsible ones, and my supervisor (who's in fact younger than me) admits I'm one of the few she actually likes. Yesterday, I found out at a staff meeting that one of my co-workers (who's been working there for over a year) is going to start training for supervisor. Good for her...she deserves it. I won't lie that I'm a tad jealous...I like to think that if I were able to stay year-round rather than just the summer months, I could have a shot at getting promoted to. A raise would be nice. But since I'm leaving in September, I know it'll never happen. I've really gotta get a second job. I applied for Pet-Co online, but haven't heard anything, so I doubt I'll get hired. I've been thinking about applying to Zam-Zows as a Pet Caretaker, but I don't think I'm going to; one, because it involves working with spiders....eww, and two, because a drug test is required before hiring, and while I don't do drugs, I'm not exactly keen on peeing in a cup if I can avoid it. I'm thinking one day I might take a trip to the mall and pick up some applications. But whatever happens, I WILL NOT work with clothes. I refuse! I have to actually enjoy what I'm doing. I really wanted to have a job working with animals (because pets love me and I love them), but that doesn't look like it will happen. I could still apply for the pet place at the mall, but I've never really liked how they keep the poor dogs in such small cages...I don't know. Anyways, when I go back to school, I definitely need to use my work study. As much fun as it was to work in the paint shop, I don't think I'm going to work there again, simply because it's so far from campus and I never got many hours in. If I want to work a lot of hours, I probably should work the desk job. It's the most boring campus job; all you do is swipe cards, check in/out visitors, and make sure no one sneaks in, but because there's not much to it, you're allowed to use laptops, listen to music, and do this way I could work a lot (making $7.75 per hour) and still accomplish homework and other stuff I need to get done.

Speaking of money, I found out my financial aid for college got cut in half. Grrr. Tuition is expensive (over $25,000), and that doesn't include room and board. There's no way my family can afford that with my dad retired and my sister getting married, so my parents plan to make an appeal.

Oh, and I almost forgot...I submitted my passport application Thursday. They said I probably won't receive it until August 16. Geez...that's a long time. I'm hoping it'll come a little earlier than that. I still need to look into getting a visa, and I'm not quite sure how. It seems though that it's required that you do it in person (for an interview or something like that) and before you travel. I think I need to go to a consulate for this, but I'm not sure. If I do, it'll have to be done while I'm in Boston, as there are no consulates in Boise.

And now that I have some time on my hands, I'm going to do a meme:

1. Something nice that happened to you today? 
Hmm...I got to sleep in til 2pm. That was nice.
2. When did you first read your favourite book?
LotR: I read it when I was 13...five and a half years ago.
3. What is your favourite film?
I have lots. LotR, Kill Bills, V for Vendetta, Grindhouse, 300, Hot Fuzz...I can't list them all...
4. Can you swim properly? 
Yes. I'm not a great swimmer, but I know enough to survive.
5. Are you bigger or smaller than your parent who is the same gender as you?
I'm about the same size as my mom...only just a little bit smaller
6. Do you watch sports?
only the one's in 2008. Hurray!
7. What language do you find the most beautiful?
Oh, I think any language aside from modern English is beautiful. French is pretty to hear, and so is Russian. I actually love Old and Middle English. Chinese used to be fascinating for me, but after a year living next to Chinatown, it's gotten kind of old. And I must say Finnish is very beautiful to look at, but I've never actually heard it.
8. Which colour best describes the person you stole this meme from?
9. What is/was your favourite school subject?
art (particularly painting) and film production. As for something more educational, I'd say history.
10. Have you ever seen a live penguin? If yes, what was seeing it like? 
(Hehe, and this is how you know it's Lommy's meme) I spent an hour watching them at the New England aquarium. I find them very entertaining. In fact, you can check the website for more penguin info. I've mentioned this before, but there's a great underwater webcam. You can't see anything at night, but it can be quite fun during daylight hours.
Baby Penguins! :

Okay...enough penguin talk.
11. Which ww role you enjoy the most?
Well, I've only been two different roles so far, but I'll definitely say Werewolf. I love the evil plotting at Night and manipulating people during the Day. Plus, even after you die, it's so much more fun to watch the other Days unfold when you actually know who the baddies are (and I should know being the master of dying
12. Do you resemble your parents and your siblings (if you have any)?
I look more like my mom, though I do have some of my father's genes. I don't think my sister and I look anything alike, but people before have told us otherwise
13. What colour are the walls of your toilet?
The bathroom? (I'm guessing you guys have the toilet and bath in separate rooms, correct me if I'm wrong. At least that's what I was taught how it is in France.) Well, mine is bright green.
14. What were you like as a baby or a toddler? 
Cute and chubby. When I was three (is that still toddler age?), I was very loud and goofy.
15. Are you younger or older than most of your friends? varies. It depends on what type of friends you're talking about. In general, I'm younger mainly because I have a summer birthday and tend to be younger than everyone in my year.
16. What colour are your socks?
17. What is the worst film you've ever seen?
The worst? Hmm...that's tough to pick one. Dungeons and Dragons, Crazy/Beautiful, Drive Me Crazy, and most recently The Fountain are the ones that currently stick out in my mind.
18. What is/was your least favourite school subject?
Math...ewewew. And physical science. There's a reason I never took Chemistry. And why I went to a college where I don't ever have to take math.
19. Do you have a pet? 
Four. Two cats: Mandy, our older cat who still loves to hunt, and Pixi-Paws, my sister's fat cat, who's on a diet, and is so desperate for food she licks the floor and eats whatever my other cat catches. Two dogs: Kozmo, our white dog who aims to please, and Piper, the baby of the family who loves to play and sleep on my bed.
20. Do you have long fingernails?
No, I find I get dirt underneath them too easily when they're long. And it's more sanitary to keep them short when you have a job involving food.
21. Which book did you last read?
Oh god...I can't honestly remember. It's been forever since I've had time to read a book for pleasure. I'm currently trying to get myself back into rereading The Silmarillion though.
22. What did you last eat?
Nachos...I think.
23. How many first cousins do you have?
Twelve. Eleven on my mom's side and one on my dad's side.
24. What kind of a chair you're sitting on? Or are you sitting on a chair at all?
A dining room chair. It's brown. With a green seat.
25. Do you prefer oil or water colours?
Hmm...I love paintings with oil on canvas, though I've never actually painted with oils myself. I prefer painting with arcrylic. Water colours I just hate working with in general.
26. When did you wake up this morning?
2pm...hehe. To my credit, I had to get up at 8am the previous morning and work for 11 hours.
27. Do you like Coca-Cola? 
Only Diet Coke. Regular is too sweet.
28. Who was the first person you talked with this morning? 
My mom...
29. When does your summer holiday begin?
It already did...way back on May 2 ( :P )
30. How warm is it outside right now? What is the weather like?
During the day it was warm and sunny, but now it has cooled off. Temperatures: 83F (28C) during the day, 58F (14C) right now.
31. Do you have a piercing? 
Only on my ears.
32. Have you ever had fringe/bangs?
All my life I had bangs...I used to be convinced I'd look terrible without them. Then at 14, I got fed up with having to keep slicking them back for dance perfomances and decided to grow them out. I'll never have bangs again!
33. Do you know anybody whose name begins with the letter X?
34. Do you have white dots on your nails?
not currently
35. Would you rather have pointy ears or furry, big feet? 
definitely pointy ears
36. Have you ever got detention?
no, I'm a good kid
37. When did you last eat fast food? 
It's been awhile...I'm guessing when I was last in the airport, so a month ago?
38. Name just one country you'd like to visit. 
Just one? Yeesh....that's not fair. I want to visit many. Alright, Denmark then. Only because Rune needs to see how much of a freak in RL I really am. :P
39. Can you hear well?
Um, I don't have great hearing, but it's not bad. I hear better out of my right ear.
40. Which transport you find the most comfortable or you like the best: car, bus, train, airplane, tram, metro, ship?
I remember as a kid I loved airplanes. But now that I've been through airport hell, I hate them. Using the subway is pretty nice and convenient when I'm in Boston, but I have to say I enjoy it most when I'm driving my own's faster and easier.
41. Are you a fast runner?
I can do a very (and I mean very) short and fast sprint. But in general, I'm a terrible runner.
42. Do you know anybody with a big gap between their front teeth?
43. Do you recycle? 
44. Can you peel a potato? 
I've never tried. I don't even like potatoes, so why bother?
45. What colour are your eyebrows?
A very light brown.
46. Snoopy or Garfield?
47. How many hours did you sleep last night?
11...that was nice. :)
48. Do you like vampires?
I LOVE them.
49. Is your teeth colour closer to white or yellow?
50. Are you procrastinating right now?'
probably...I always procrastinate

Sigh..I've got a lot of work to do. My room's a mess, and I have to start packing for my trip. I stupidly told my boss I could close Wednesday night, not realising I am flying out at 7:20am the next morning. So much for sleep. Oh, and I'm hoping the sign-up for the next WW slows down and the game doesn't get started for another two weeks because I really really want to participate! Well, one can always hope, right?

money, work, memes

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