tell me thursday (on friday)

Sep 09, 2011 11:49

From Laura at Crooks and Crazies

1. What is the biggest thing that grossed you out over the past week?

Poop.  As usual.  This week the heat had at Brinny's digestive tract a little upset.  Things got a little hairy.

2. What do you feed your dogs?

Raw.  Have been feeding raw since 1999.  I sometimes take kibble (Acana) for breakfast when we travel, but they just do better with raw even when on the road and I've been doing it so long that it's second nature to deal with the cooler and shopping.

3. If you could move anywhere where would you live?

Probably western Massachusetts or western Connecticut although the ticks give me serious pause.  One of the very best things about Oregon is the general lack of nasty parasitical bugs!

4. What is the funniest thought that occurred to you (or thing that happened to you) this week?

It's not been a funny-inducing week, but I was highly amused by the boys the other night.  I was tired from work, it was hot and so I thought I'd do some targetting down the hall for a training game.  I put the target at the end of the hall, lined Eri up, he did his thing and Brinny came tearing up, saw the target as Eri was returning for his treat.  So as Eri was coming down the hall, Brinny was headed up to the target.  Brinny got his click as Eri got his treat.  Brinny turned back to get the treat as Eri headed down the hall to the target again.  They did this very cute passing thing in the hall to the target for a couple of turns until Eri got worried that Brinny wanted his piece of cheese and didn't want to leave me.  I wish I had it on video!

5. If you couldn't have your breed of choice what would be next on your list?

So many!  Actually, beardies weren't my first choice.  But I coudln't have a terrier with the cats (and C).  I've been thinking about an Icelandic Sheepdog for ages, would love a Cairn or a Border Terrier, a Beagle, Harrier, American Foxhound, definitely a Whippet or an Ibizian, could totally see myself with a Leo....uh...yeah...

dogs, tell me thursday

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