thoughts on a thursday

Sep 01, 2011 23:45

1. What five things can't you live without?

Assuming the bottom of the pyramid, basic human needs kinds of things are a given, then (in no particular order)
- my dogs
- music
- friends/family
- time alone (usually with the dogs!)
- a comfortable bed

2. How do you transport your dogs? This question suggested by several peeps, including Mara.

In the beardiemobile, of course! It's a 1999 Toyota 4Runner with two 36" wire crates pretty much permanently installed in the back - one on a platform under which I tote around an x-pen and two soft crates. It's completely set up for the dogs. The heck with passengers!

3. What role does obedience play in your training or running of your dog(s)?

I really enjoy the dance of formal obedience work. It's all about the fiddly details. Some of the dogs enjoy that and some not so much. I love the feeling I get when we're working together as a team and everything else just sort of fades away. And it's a lot easier on the knees than agility or herding!

4. At what point do you start putting commands on your dogs?

Probably earlier than I should. It's one of the things I keep working on.

5. Do you talk to strangers in elevators? Question posted by Laura #1

Yes. I'm a friendly sort :-)

tell me thursday

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