North of the border

Jul 31, 2009 22:01

We're all the way up in Cambell River, BC where tomorrow at noon, Eri will be making his Canadian Debut in Puppy Sweepstakes (all breed).  The site is very nice.  The hotel less so, but it does have high speed wifi so I'll forgive it the dirty parking lot (and make Eri wear his booties!)

We left the house at 1:15am this morning.  I had napped for about an hour before leaving, caught another 20 minutes or so at the ferry terminal and drove most of the rest of the time (short breaks at a park in Sequim, on the ferry and at some friends' house in Nanaimo).  The friends' bitch is in standing heat.  Oh, the joy.  Brin is totally into the making babies thing.  Eri just wants her but still doesn't know why.  OTOH, when we finally did get to the hotel, Brin was pretty tired from all the travelling and crashed hard while I brushed him and then again immediatley after dinner.

I'm off to bed now.  I won't be doing this trip this way again...too much driving in one day, but it was the coolest way to get us up here.  Driving yesterday would have been absolutely brutal.  Today it only got up to 95 degrees up here.


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