Brinny's puppies kick butt at the NW regional and agility trial!

Jul 27, 2009 15:01

And with me handling :-)

The NW Bearded Collie Club of Puget Sound had their regional specialty in Auburn (Argus Ranch) this weekend followed by the annual agility trial.  It was HOT!

Eri had a sort of puppy day on Friday getting dumped by the sweepstakes judge (completely expected) and put up by the regular judge (also expected).  The judge for the regular classes seriously considered him for RWD!  Woohoo for Eri who at just barely 9 months was the least mature dog in the WD line up.

Wren took third in her sweeps class (did I mention above that I expected them to get dumped in sweeps?) and then she won Open Bitch.  I was actually quite surprised because, again, she's just 19 months and the least physically mature bitch in the open class by a good year or so.  I was so excited that one of the handlers (who took second) told me to pull myself together and get my head back in the game...yes, maam...I hadn't actually lost it completely, I was just really excited.  Then she went on to take WB for FIVE points.  AND Select #3 over a whole pile of specials.   That puts her at 13 points in just three weekends of showing and with both majors.  WOW!  She has the same step-up function that Brin does at shows.  Put her in a ring and she demands to be out at  the head of the line.

Saturday and Sunday, I handled Enslow in Novice standard and JWW.  He needed one standard leg and two JWW legs for the titles and his Versatility Excellent award from the BCCA.  We did it!  Mind you, he and I never did get the chance to practice on a course before the trial, so I was totally winging it.  The courses were pretty straightforward, but there was more than enough room to hang yourself if your dog or you weren't ready to be trialing.  Our only NQ problem was a knocked bar where you had to go more than 90 degrees from a chute to a line of jumps and I think I blocked his view of the first jump.  Ens and I won one JWW class and one standard class and were second in the other JWW class.  He was working with a LOT more speed, distance and confidence by the fourth run of the weekend.  I think he really enjoyed himself and I'm terribly proud of him for jumping in with a new-to-him handler and getting the job done.

enslow, wren, eriskay

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