a day for rescue updates

Jun 05, 2009 10:50

Wow!  Today, for whatever reason, I'm getting emails from people whose dogs are from rescue situations that I've helped out with.  I thought I'd share some of the comments on how the dogs are doing and get some positive energy out there.

Aimee was part of the Gaston hoarder situation last spring just after I'd had my shoulder surgery.  There were three beardies among the hundreds of chihuahuas.  I could ID the breeder just by looking at the dogs.  She actually wanted them back as she was the co-owner on them, but she is no longer competent to care for any dog.  So I spent a good deal of time getting her to relinquish her claim on them so rescue could get them and find them good homes.  And then another fair bit of time getting the shelter to understand that beardies need constant grooming and the shelter shouldn't try to keep them as part of the evidence in the case or they'd end up in equally poor shape.  And THEN with the DA getting him to release the dogs to rescue.  Anyway,  Aimee was thought to be the hardest to place as she was mostly blind and deaf.  Here is what her new family in Kansas says about her:

"I thought I would share a couple of bright spots in our lives.  Aimee Brown Beardie, as she is known here, was resuced by Beardie Rescue in April of 2008.  She was in a hoarder situation in the Portland Oregon area.  We were told she was 11 and had apparently lived much of her life in a crate.  She was foster by BK, who made tremendous progress on helping Aimee join the real world.  We thought we wound have an old dog who would lay around and get pets all day.  WRONG!  Miss Aimee is quite an opinionated Beardie (aren't they all) and has enjoyed her entry into family life.  She has adopted the large ottoman in the living room as her elevated throne and is queen of the household. She doesn't hear much, so that just means she barks louder!  She is a funny girl with quite a sense of humor.  Thank you Beardie Rescue of giving this great old girl a option for being a family member."
And then BC rescue in Idaho had a beardie mix on their website.  Thank you 3bluentru for bringing her to my attention!  I posted about her to the beardie/neardie lists and she landed in an AMAZING home in Illinois.  Here is what her people sent me today:

Maggie has been an absolutely great addition to Beardieville!! She has the intensity and focus of a Border, and the unbridled joy, bounce and unpredictable fun of a Beardie. Our beardies have the run of the house (as well a large fenced-in yard that they access anytime through their dog door). I’ve attached a couple of area pics of our house (at the end of a small cul-de-sac). Additionally, everyday (weather permitting; and it has to be pretty severe not to go) we go to a 50 acre dog park (Duck Farm) that is totally fenced and is exclusively for off-leash dogs. Maggie is absolutely in heaven there. Andy’s (our youngest brown boy) passion is herding the flying geese, and Maggie’s new passion is herding Andy!! The biggest difference in Maggie is her tremendous “tracking” obsession.........none of our beardies ever had that instinct......herding (and barking) are their primal instincts!! So Maggie really enjoys her freedom to “explore” Duck Farm which is a combination of open grassy fields, trails and wetlands (in the middle of the park). She loves to herd all the other dogs, as well as offering ongoing commentary (barking) of all the other dogs playtime.

During the almost 5 months that Maggie has been with us, we have noticed several traits that she has, that only our Ashley had.........never going anywhere in the house without her ever-present tennis ball (the cruddier, the better), incessant wagging of her tail anytime we approach her (happiness personified), constantly being under either my desk chair, or C’s (we both work at home in separate offices) when we’re working, and eyes that make you wilt (and also make it hard to say no to her)...........C and I have said many times that it was almost like Ashley sent Maggie to us (particularly since the last thing we were looking for was another dog) to fill the massive hole that had been left in our hearts when Ashley left us last September.

And without you interceding to get Maggie’s info onto the BDL site, all that has transpired relative to Maggie never would have happened.........for that we are eternally grateful to you!!

Beardie people are absolutely the best in the world!! Only in the world of beardies would I ever find myself shedding tears when hearing (reading) of another flying furball (or dustmop as you so aptly put it) leaving for the Bridge. Our 9 year journey with beardies has been the best of our lives.....with many more to go!! Beardies really are the BEST!! So, we totally understand and empathize with what you’re going through with Colton, and can only offer our warmest thoughts to you and him.

So totally cool to have the people send updates on these dogs.  It just made my day!


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