bringing things up to date

Apr 22, 2009 11:36 pics.

Eri turned 6 months on Monday.  He's looking like a real dog.  It's a bit scary!

Colton is stable most of the time.  I only let one boarder/grooming beardie visit at a time any more to keep his stress level down.  He handles Kiwi and Wren OK - just a little throwing up later in the day.  His coat is coming back all fuzzy and puppy-black where it rubbed off (or was licked!)  He looks like a hobo.

Brinny is going stark raving mad with still not being able to work.  He has good days and bad days.  His rear is better, but the left front goes on and off.  He's getting really good with puppies now that he has had one of his own.  He met Tilda last night and pretty much thought she was no big deal.  He sniffed her and then ignored her completely.  I was thrilled actually.  In the past he would have tried to mug her and intimidate her before he realized she was a girl.  Then he'd just have tried to get her to pay attention to him :-)

Bubbles is up to 9 points!  I got two in Albany at Chintimini (BOW both days) and two in Centralia (BOW on Sunday). T took her to Lewiston last weekend and got four more (WB either Friday or Saturday and BOW on Sunday).  In mid-May, Idaho joins Montana in a different region from Oregon and the numbers of beardies required for a major goes down to four just over the state line.  I think I'll be taking Bubbles back to Idaho to try to pull in the majors there rather than take them locally where we need to get all the class dogs/bitches from the Seattle and Portland area together at one time for a it only happens twice a year.  It just occured to me this morning that it would be really nasty of me to take her down to Salt Lake and finish her championship in the place where she had such a terrible start!

Wren is still bopping along happily.  Her people are getting almost competent at brushing her :-)  Last weekend she was over for the night and grooming the next day.  I couldn't find her when I finished feeding the boys that evening and went to give her a cookie in her crate.  Brin was eating in his crate in the bedroom where C had already gone to bed so the lights were off and Eri was in his crate in the other bedroom where Wren's crate is with the lights on but no Wren.  I searched the house and yard and still couldn't find her.  I woke C up and made her help me go out and search the neighborhood.  Then I called Wren's people to tell them I'd lost their dog and could they please bring their SUV over to convince her to come out of wherever she was hiding.  Since the brown boys had been in their crates for about an hour at this point, I went to let them out (the lights were now on in the bedroom) and discovered Wren peeking out of the back of Brin's crate.  He's NEVER deigned to share his crate with any other dog before!  No wonder I couldn't find her...he was hiding her.  Fortunately her people were still getting organized to come join the search and I was able to get hold of them before they left home.  How embarrassing.

My two classes this week were fun :-)

Monday night notes:
- blind crosses really can not be substituted for all front crosses
- you get what you train for
- don't forget your toys!

Tuesday night notes:
- heeling is not equal to show gaiting
- obed stand for exam is not equal to stacking for an exam (can you tell I had a new obedience person in my conformation class?)
- 14 week old puppies can't concentrate for very long and their people need reminding of that!
- duct taped phone books rock


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