just beezin'

May 30, 2005 23:53

I'm way tired, but for some reason I couldn't sleep. So, here I am. Being lame. Meh. I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow morning, then I wouldn't be so anxious to fall asleep (which I'm sure isn't helping the situation.)

Speaking of work; I hate my job! Being a housekeeper is lame. Sure, you get tips and all, and the Ramada gives me food, but that doesn't make up for the suckage.

No worries, though! I got a new job! Starting June 7th I am a Michaels employee. Woo! That should be about 100 times better than housekeeping. Hooray for selling craft supplies!

I will also be doing lab set-ups for Dr. Lucas starting mid-June through August. 2 astronomy and 2 physics lab set-ups and take-downs per week at or just above minimum wage. Should be fun (I'm a nerd), and a little extra cash never hurts.

Next weekend is Troy's sister's graduation. Hooray for getting out of town for a couple days.

Well, I suppose I'll go back to bed now.
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