My time spent so far in Hell has been both amusing and wellspent. And painful, of course, but that really should go unsaid. Anger management has been going wonderfully - turning lesser demons inside out is wonderful for stress relief.
Some events on Earth have been almost enough to make me leave Hell. Almost. Azrael really is a pathetic excuse for a demon. Little Tommy Dagget is exquisite when he's hurting. Llamas are apparently running rampant - really should've told Astaroth to pay Jonathan a visit with a branding iron. And Adam
from_tadfield, great bloody disappointment that he is, has shown up as well.
Astaroth is currently serving as my representative on Earth. I do not anticipate returning any time soon. Of course, I could be lying. I could be back tomorrow. Tonight. Next week. Next millenia. Time on Earth is so short, perhaps I won't return till the Armaggedon. If we can ever get the bloody thing started.
Hmmm. Or maybe I'll take a different form and become a stranger again.