Awards Post

Sep 22, 2008 13:27

Last Updated: 9/20/09

I decided to move the banners for all my icontest awards won in communities on livejournal over to my lj. So, here they are.

LiveJournal | InsaneJournal | Resources

Communities I participate in:
bleach_icontest, bleachorus, bones_contest, buffy_stillness, dw_epicontest, dollhousestills, ginny_challenge, hex_stills, hg_challenge, joss_stills, merlin_stills, paire_icontest, petrellicontest, ros_stillness, secretlife_at, skins_stillness, tbicontest, the_frame_job, tvstillness, whocaststills, whochorus

Each banner links to the challenge results.
bleach_icontest | bleachorus | buffy_stillness | dw_epicontest | dollhousestills | ginny_challenge | hex_stills | joss_stills | merlin_stills | paire_icontest | petrellicontest | ros_stillness | secretlife_at | skins_stillness | the_frame_job | tvstillness | whochorus | bannerless icons | participation banners

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( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

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[hex_stills: (challenge 61) banner will go here]
[hex_stills: (challenge 61) banner will go here]
[hex_stills: (challenge 61) banner will go here]
[hex_stills: (challenge 61) banner will go here]

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( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

[ros_stillness: (challenge 164) banner will go here]

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( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

[whochorus: (challenge 14) banner will go here]

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Bannerless Icons:
Icons link to challenge results.

Tied for Mod's Choice in challenge 163 at ros_stillness.

Was one of the runners up in the week 199 challenge at bleach_icontest.

Was one of the runners up in the week 200 challenge at bleach_icontest.

Was one of the runners up in the week 201 challenge at bleach_icontest.

Was one of the runners up in the week 208 challenge at bleach_icontest.

Was one of the runners up in the week 209 challenge at bleach_icontest.

Was one of the runners up in the week 219 challenge at bleach_icontest.

( back to top) (to my lj) (to my ij)

Participation Banners:
Banners link to challenge results.

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ros_stillness, dw_epicontest, whocaststills, secretlife_at, whochorus, skins_stillnes, icontests, joss_stills, icontest: bleach_icontest, dollhousestills, bones_contest, icontest: bleachours, tvstillness, paire_icontest, awards, the_frame_job, ginny_challenge, merlin_stills, hg_challenge, buffy_stillness, petrellicontest

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