So I got a phone call about noonish, from Aya's cell. Yaoi is on the phone.
Yaoi (pronounced YOW-weh) is a Canadian dude who works with Aya at Blenz. 'Free-spirit' would be a fair description: he moved 600km for the sole purpose of making coffee, and currently lives in a bus. No, I'm not making this up. He's a really nice and genuine guy, very high energy, and very positive. Goes to cuddle parties and such. (I think I'm envious of that last bit, but I know my anxiety level would shoot through the ceiling if I was even invited to one of them.... )
So Yaoi blathers on a bit, and says that I should go to the Sin City party this evening. It vaguely rings a bell, I ask about it, he reminds me that it's a fetish party.
Now.... I'm not into fetish-stuff. However, I've been kinda interested in checking out a Sin City party for the last year. On the other hand, I'm not going to one on my own. Especially since the dress code *requires* fetish-wear.
I'm also not entirely down with the idea of being invited to it by a guy I don't really know. So he puts Aya on the phone, who is all enthused about going to this 'fun club' tonight.
Now... Aya is not a prude. But she had bought a red dress a while back, and was pretty uncomfortable showing even the vaguest hint of cleavage. She's pretty anti-porn. So something didn't quite fit.
So I spoke to Aya when she got home, showed pictures from previous Sin City parties, and explained the term 'Fetish' in terms of 'Hentai' (Hentai is Japanese for 'Perverse', hence it's use for animated pornography). She was a little less happy about the whole thing....
Granted, seeing Aya in fetish-wear would be freaking awesome, but I don't consider it entirely fair to drop her into it with her eyes closed. [Scratch that. For some inexplicable reason, I have zero interest in seeing Aya dressed up (or not dressed) in any particular fashion. I'm sure I'll explain it in far too much detail to some poor sod once I'm well-oiled, but for now we'll just leave it at that....]
Update as I was typing this: Yaoi just called, she explained her objections, and he (somehow, inside of 30 seconds) overcame them. So we're off shopping for suitable attire for me in about an hour.
Which confuses me: I *know* Aya doesn't have fetish wear. Club-wear, sure, but I'm reasonably confident she doesn't have anything suitable for this place.
Meeting at 7pm, I have to get up for work at 6am tomorrow. It's going to be a long weekend, methinks (and I think I'll be breaking into the 10yo Bushmills my brother got me for my birthday to overcome anxiety)..... :P