16 year old kid runs over the gas station attendant who tried to stop him from stealing gas, and drags the guys body for almost 5 miles and it's called a "tragedy" for the kid Maybe it's just my built up rage and bitterness from being a gas station attendant, but this story has made me incredibly angry.
I HATE PEOPLE WHO STEAL GAS. I cannot stress this enough. Seriously, if you don't fucking have the money, don't get gas. It's a simple as that. Or even if you've already pumped it, go inside the fucking station and leave them your name and address and they'll let you come back with the money later.
One woman in a big, shiny cadillac SUV filled up with almost $50 in gas and just drove off. Luckily, something about her had rubbed me the wrong way and I wrote down her LP and a description of her for the police. Stupid rich bitch with your new expensive car and your stupid LV purse, I KNOW YOU COULD AFFORD THE GAS YOU CHEAP CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!
That incident still chaps my ass, like two years later...
But here's the thing, if you try to steal gas, you must realize that it is part of the gas station attendant's job to try to stop you. Now, I never ran after people (come on, I'm fat and slow and seriously out of shape. The best I could've done was to make a complete ass of myself in front of anyone else in the parking lot) but one of my co-workers, Jimmy, always did.
Once, he ran after a car and they braked suddenly so that he ran into them and then they sped off. Sadly, it was Jimmy's ass splayed across their trunk that prevented me from getting their full license plate to report to the police.
Jimmy told me this story of a former manager who once tried to run after a drive off. We had an alley behind the station that either led to a side street or the Sam's parking lot, and she saw the car going around behind the store, so she ran around the other way to intercept them. The driver hit the gas as soon as he saw her and ended up hitting her with the edge of his front bumper and breaking her leg. Unsurprisingly she quit right after that.
No matter how scared or drunk or whatever this fucking kid (from the article) was, I cannot imagine that he would drag a body almost 5 miles. And it obviously wasn't "just a body" at first, b/c the other kid in the car said they could hear the guy screaming. At that point, it's not just a "tragic accident", it's fucking torture.
And the worst part is, from the article, the kid's lawyer is trying to make it sound like he's "fragile" and needs to be treated so gently, just b/c he's a kid. I'm sorry, but when I was 16, I knew enough not to:
a) drive drunk
b) steal gas
c) kill people
d) any combination of the above
I seriously hope this kid goes to prison where he gets ass raped until he can rival the goatse guy.