I am up to 22 books for the
100 books in 2011 challenge! I am quite pleased :3
I also have over 80 (!) BPAL reviews to get posted so I will get on that shortly. Mmm yummy smellies!
Re: Sims, I am nearly finished with the Magicakes (finally) and then I will start on the Behrs (finally). I have also been amusing myself making aliens for Multi-PT sets. I blame Rachel for much of this XD I will have the first of the new Multi-PTs up on my simming comm very soon as I am in the final stages of testing the hack. I have also submitted a founder for
Sims 2 Supernova's Apocalypse Legacy as I couldn't resist a post-Apocalyptic themed legacy. And there are no time limits on it this time so I should have no problems updating the Behrs in a timely fashion whilst I play the S2S legacy. AND THEN I will start updating the Pot O'Gold Awesomesauce again, HUZZAH! I have missed them.
On a personal note, I have been enjoying Rachel's visit immensely and I don't want her to leave *clings* We've been doing a lot of side-by-side simming plus shopping and cooking. I also purchased a book on knitting so we may attempt some knitting before she has to leave. Tonight is gaming night though! I have a Wii with Guitar Hero and I bought a PS3 so me, Rachel, and my hubby are going to do some gaming! I can't wait till I get to go to Australia/New Zealand to visit everyone and spend MOAR time with Rachelface ^_^ Rowan has absolutely fallen in love with her too, it's terribly cute ♥
Healthwise, I still feel sort of crappy and my tummy is still owie from recovering from the pancreatitis but I'm on pain meds for that and it's slowly getting better. I got a mostly-clean bill of health from the doc on Tuesday. Plus I finally got the settlement from the hospital for destroying my back so I can actually see a doctor and get that taken care of. I haven't been able to see a doc about my back since the worker's cop doc released me from care FIVE YEARS AGO. So I've been broken and in pain from that for ages and I can't believe I can finally get treatment.
I also miss Katuface muchly, we didn't get to spend much time with her but we did get yummy foods and I fell in love with her loli kitty skirt so I am taking the plunge and getting a matching skirt and petti XD Except I am going to wear mine with black fishnets and stompy boots. Must make time to go up to her place for a weekend perhaps, I get lonelycakes here since all my friends live on the other side of the planet. Luckily she's only a 2 1/2 car ride away :3
I'm doing ok on my resolutions, I lost weight in the hospital, not that I recommend that route. It's a pretty suckish way to lose weight really. I've gotten knitting supplies for two scarves plus the book Nettles recommended to me,
Stitch And Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook so I am prepared to make some headway on learning to knit. I bought LOADS of books when Rachel and I went to the bookstore so my reading goals are looking good so far. I've been doing ok at eating better and I've gotten some exercise from walking around shopping, though I need to improve on that. Must fire up Wii Fit! I am doing much better at taking my meds and my blood sugar is nearly normal. This is a Very Big Deal as it was close to 500 when I was admitted to the hospital (normal is 70 to 110) and it's now running between 130 and 200. Still high but MUCH better. And I have been gathering reference pics for my tattoo sleeve, I just need to contact the shop and make an appointment to meet with the artist to commission the actual tattoo. SQUEE!
Also also, I miss you, Steffikins! I hope you're doing well. Every time I see a mustache, I think of you XD I will write you a letter asap!