Feb 01, 2011 20:31
Ugh, so this has not been a good year for my health. At all. For Christmas, my sister-in-law kindly gave all of us her cold which due to my diabetes-inflicted compromised immune system turned into a nasty infection and I had to go on antibiotics. The damn thing lasted two weeks. She ALWAYS does this. She or her kids are sick and she never warns us or suggests we reschedule, we just get there and someone's sneezing and coughing all over. DOES SHE NOT REALIZE SHE CAN KILL ME?! A simple cold to a normal person is an annoyance and makes you uncomfortable as heck and my husband has to go to work doing heavy physical labor sick. That same cold in a diabetic, especially one like me who is having issues with blood sugar control, can easily turn very serious and put me in the hospital. *ranty*
And if you've been wondering where I've been for the last week or so, I've been in the hospital. I suddenly got intense chest/abdominal pain and started vomiting. I am an emetophobe. I detest throwing and until now I could count on one hand the number of times I've vomited in my life. I had to yell with my head in the toilet to wake my husband up so I could go to the ER. I almost couldn't make it and had to call an ambulance it was so bad. It turns out I was in diabetic ketoacidosis, which is rare for people with type 2 diabetes, and is life-threatening. I also had a raging UTI with no symptoms. Oh and pancreatitis. That's what was causing all the pain. I also ended up with pneumonia from aspirating vomit for good measure. I spent a couple days in the ICU then moved to stepdown. All told, I was in the hospital for almost a week. I had test after test and they scoped up and down. It sucked. Hard. I'm still not doing the greatest, I have a lot of pain from the pancreatitis and was sent home with no pain meds. Today I got mail from the hospital with a prescription in it. Ooops, they forgot to give that to me when I was discharged. *headdesk* Now at least I'm feeling a bit better since I have the meds, though I'm a tad loopy. I'll take loopy over wracked with pain though.
My only consolation is that I GET A RACHELFACE this weekend :D Plus I get to see Katucakes so it's a double happy. Hubs has limited me to one excursion outside the house while she's here though, in case I get sick again. Which is fine. We'll play with the cats and Rowan and I have Guitar Hero and stuffs ^_^
i am a fucked up mutant beast