Masterpost - Dark Angel: A Pound of Flesh

Aug 14, 2010 01:52

FANDOM: Dark Angel
TITLE: A Pound of Flesh
CATEGORY: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Episode Related, AU
WORD COUNT: 35,123

SUMMARY: An episode tag for "Two" that leads into an AU from the second half of "Some Assembly Required" : Acting under their original orders, the Steelheads known as Bird and Tuck kidnap Alec from Crash in an effort to find and regain control of Zack. By the time Max and Logan realize that Alec is in trouble, he's already been made an unwilling participant in British Eddy's organ smuggling ring. What begins as a search and rescue mission to recover a missing X5 will become a battle for survival - one that pits Alec against his own failing body and fractured mind.

DISCLAIMER: Dark Angel, its characters and situations, are copyright James Cameron, Charles H. Eglee and 20th Century Fox Film Corporation. No infringement on, or challenge to, their status is intended. This piece of fiction was written strictly for the entertainment of other fans, and I am gaining no form of compensation for it.
MORE DISCLAIMERS: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual places and locations, is purely coincidental.

Eternal thanks and gratitude to whisper99, without whom this story wouldn't exist. And I mean that sincerely. The bunny for this sprang forth from her brain, and so did several of the details. On top of that, she gave me inspiration, pokes, prods, and advice all the way through. If not for her, I'd have probably given up a long time ago.

Also thanks to moonshayde and switch842, two of the best betas on the planet. They kept me honest, kept me writing, and above all, kept me sane. Oh, and yeah, they read the crap that I pumped out and helped me make it readable. :)

Enormous thanks to forcryinoutloud, for not only being such an incredibly kickass admin and giving us the smallfandom_bb to play in, but also for being an amazingly talented artist and making for me the incredible cover image for this story. You really should stop by and tell her how fantastic she is.

Also, to seramercury, for swooping in, in true superhero style, and saving my story from going unclaimed for art, and for making me a great trailer vid set to some killer music. Make sure you go give the vid a look, and tell her how great she is, too.

WARNINGS: (highlight to read) dark, disturbing, and potentially triggery content, violence, kidnapping, torture, forced drugging, mental anguish, control and consent issues, a rather descriptive scene of surgery being performed on a conscious person, and allusions to/discussion of non-consensual sex (not explicit, not shown)


DOC file  |  PDF file



Part One (Chapters 1 & 2)   |   Part Two (Chapters 3 & 4)   |   Part Three (Chapters 5 & 6)

Part Four (Chapters 7 & 8)   |   Part Five (Chapters 9 & 10)


category: h/c, genre: gen, character: max guevara, character: alec mcdowell, category: au, character: logan cale, category: drama, episode: two, season: 2, episode: some assembly required, category: angst, status: complete, rating: r, post: master post, fandom: dark angel, title: a pound of flesh

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