Apparently, I've affronted people across fandoms with my opinion that male rape =/= slash. Further, apparently, a story that contains male rape cannot possibly be gen, because there's M/M sex involved (because, apparently, the "consensual" part of "relationship" need not apply). Any M/M sex, consensual or rape, is slash
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Isn't weaving that sort of thing into a story or plot, you know, part of writing? Granted, in fan fic writing, everyone there also knows what the characters look and act like, so it's a shortcut. It just all sounds so TigerBeatish (except for the blatant sex).
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Does the prevalence of RPS in SPN (an alphabet soup if there ever was one!) have anything to do with the fact that, for slashers, anyhow, there are very few alternatives aside from having the brothers fuck each other, then to have the *actors* do it? Is that part of the motivation? It smacks of very strong wish fulfillment:
"My actors behave this way for themselves and fans, and I want them to behave this way, and I'd like to think they do, so I'm gonna write about them! Not their characters, but *them*!"
I mean, is this a fairly recentish phenomena that's developed over the past ten years or so? Or does it have roots as old as fanfic apparently does?
I've wondered this myself. I think I got sucked into it by the sheer prevalence of it in the fandom. I didn't really have a strong feeling against it. I'd seen a few RPF fics in other fandoms and just wasn't interested at all. It wasn't that long ago, though, that I never in a zillion years imagined I'd ever read fanfic, and then I did. I never in a zillion years imagined I'd read explicit sex scenes in anything, and then I did, and here I am. hehe Then the RPS thing came along, and I read some of it partly for grins to see what it was about, and there were just some really wonderful stories out there (just as in all fanfic), and I got sucked into it. Part of it was the prevalence of it, and it was very easy to find some really awesome stories ( ... )
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I thought about this one for a while, but then yeah, like you say, aren't most J2ers Wincesters anyway?
I guess I can see your point about how they're not really them in fic, either, they're more like two fictional characters named Jared and Jensen... kinda like the two named Sam and Dean, except that these two aren't played by real people, but really are real people, but only in real life, which fic isn't.'ll only break your brain trying to figure it all out.
This is a very good point. And since I just downed four aspirin... I think you're probably right. Actually, looking back over that sentence I just wrote up there? I think I already did.
And then I proceed to pretend neither exist so as to avoid a constant state of horror. ;)
There was a huge backlash about the popularity of the "Childhood of Famous Americans" series (which took bare bone facts and created a whole story with quotes and the thoughts of the famous characters) and from the 70s through the 90s, most biographies were clearly factual. Now, though, things are moving back in the fictionalized direction.
None of which has anything to do with SPN RPS, but it's rather interesting...
I remember those Childhood of Famous Americans books, and they were, essentially, RPF.
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