Well, don't I feel stupid

Aug 04, 2010 09:09

Ya know that thing, where you've done something, and you're kinda proud of it, and you turn it in?

And then you decide, well, hey, now that I've got ten minutes to breathe, I'm gonna go back and reread this?

And a few pages in, you find one of the stupidest mistakes you have ever made in your entire writing life, just sitting there staring at you, because you changed something at the beginning that you forgot you mentioned again so you didn't change the second mention of it, and it makes the whole thing kinda not make sense?

Yeah. I just did that.



I'm done with spn_summergen.

Onwards and upwards: Stargate BB, here I come! \o/

challenge: spn summergen, bigbang: stargate summer, rant: writing and stuff, rant: fanfic

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