This is bri, from silly to pissed off in 30 seconds flat.

May 08, 2010 17:32

You don't know me. You don't know who I am, have never met me in person, will never meet me in person, and if you ever did, I don't think you'd care. I wasn't there. I don't know what happened. But I believe the people who said they were, and who said they do know ( Read more... )

rant: fandom, rant: pissed as hell

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Comments 386

sol_se May 8 2010, 22:47:51 UTC
Sorry, I have to ask. You are the 2nd person on my flist to refer to something that happened at a SPN convention, but no one is saying what that thing is. Do you have a link to a comm or something I should google? Because now I can't ignore my curiosity any more. Is all this going on in some anonymous meme?


brihana25 May 8 2010, 22:50:15 UTC
I'll give you the link to the wank_report about it, because all of the relevant links are in there. And apparently she is running to LJ and trying to get them to shut down anyone who mentions her name, and having at least enough success at it that we're not allowed to mention her any more -


sol_se May 8 2010, 22:51:03 UTC
Thank you!


sessile29 May 8 2010, 23:14:51 UTC
Nobody, too, and I can't say that I know firsthand what happened, either. I can't say exactly how people behaved and what lines were crossed. I can only say that I've seen people express discomfort about what happened at that con, and that I think that should be respected.


brihana25 May 8 2010, 23:50:03 UTC
That's what I think, too. They have a right to be honest about what happened and how they felt about it without being made to feel guilty or being threatened into silence.


faunaana May 8 2010, 23:18:43 UTC
I appreciate this post.


brihana25 May 8 2010, 23:50:21 UTC
Thank you.


faunaana May 9 2010, 00:51:22 UTC
Just to let you know - I, too, have linked this post from my journal.


brihana25 May 9 2010, 02:20:37 UTC
Oh, wow, thank you. God, I'm saying that so much right now, but seriously. Thank you.


mousetrack May 8 2010, 23:20:14 UTC
I have linked to this post here. :)


brihana25 May 8 2010, 23:50:43 UTC
Oh, well thank you.


khek May 8 2010, 23:22:47 UTC

I've seen some posts alluding to this incident, but I didn't know anything other than veiled references. I'm with you. Thanks for sharing.


brihana25 May 8 2010, 23:51:43 UTC
There have been some points today where I was honestly shaking, I was so angry.

I'm supposed to be writing an SG1 story, dang it. I'm supposed to be thinking happy thoughts about Jack and Daniel. But, I thought this was pretty big.


khek May 9 2010, 00:41:59 UTC
It's definitely big. It's also taken up far too much of my time as I started reading some of the posts.

I don't even know what to say. It seems so obvious to me that the con organizers were completely right to make their con safe, in any way they needed to. I guess that anyone who doesn't understand that has never had to consider the safety of a group versus the demands of a self-centered individual.

Good luck with the SG1 story! Maybe it's time to slowly step away from the computer, in favor of the closest DVD player? Watching some interplay between Jack and Daniel might help... I suggest a good, long season 3 viewing is in order!


brihana25 May 9 2010, 00:45:58 UTC
And, as luck would have it, I'm writing a Legacy follow-up, so S3 is most definitely in order. Much hurt, much comfort, back when touching and hugging and showing affection for each other was allowed.


I miss my boys sometimes.


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