My friends, I bring you bad pr0n

Feb 24, 2010 23:31

So, there's this massive wank involving an incredibly polite (as in more polite than I could ever be in this instance) reviewer on GoodReads and the incredible douchewaffle of a vanity press author going batshit because of it.

But none of that is relevant, oh no.

Because I bring you, courtesy of weepingcock, the best damn bad pr0n I've ever read. Be warned in advance - read this alone. Not because it'll get you hot and bothered, but because you'll be laughing so hard that everyone will be asking you if you're okay.

I should know better than this..." - a commentary on writer R. (which stands for Robin - why she abbreviates I have no fucking clue) Malone's short story "Werewolf's Redemption".

After you've read that, you might want to hop over and check out the fandom_wank post about the book/review/batshit wankery, including this lovely Swedish Chef translation of Werewolf's Redemption.

I've been reading this for over an hour, and I swear to God, I still can't breathe.

rant: pro-authors, rant: writing and stuff

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