20 years on LJ

Mar 07, 2022 07:04

Well, I got this in email. Does anyone still use this thing? Apparently I don't, as it's been 6 years since my last post, but thought I'd look at it again real quick-like.

Man! 20 years ago, this was the place to be for furries. And then what happened? Twitter, I think, mostly. Not that it's the same. But it sure did seem to supplant LJ for furries at the time (myself included). Granted, I had already been posting less here when Twitter came out, both because I felt I had less time to spend on it and because personal things in my life had turned LJ bittersweet for me. At the time, Twitter was just what I needed.

Sheesh, look at my last 3 LJ posts, spaced with temporal sparseness, all about people dying.

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