Well, the fire near Los Alamos is becoming more and more contained - well, at least it isn't growing! How much danger we're in depends upon who you talk to. The US Government swears that all the nuclear waste is safe in underground bunkers but numerous nuclear activists, eye-witnesses, and Democracy Now disagree. Apparently some of the stuff is stored in tent-like warehouses above ground. Nice.
Every evening the wind changes direction and we can smell the fire as if it were next door. Sometimes ash falls as well. Last night, however, the world turned a strange yellow, the sun turned red, and it looked like the end of the world.
These are unretouched as far as color, etc. The light has almost a "Hudson Valley School" feeling to it, does it not?
The sun was setting, but not even on the horizon yet. It was simply this color from about 3:30PM on.