Ruby's Journal - Game Session 2 & 3, Entry 3 & 1

Nov 10, 2009 10:12

Gelachan 4th, 1064

Northwyck is a very interesting place. The walls around the city look smooth, like one continuous piece of solid rock formed around the city. As we approached the gate, we were met by two very attractive male elves. I stared at them for a time. They look completely different than the elves of Seven Sands. These elves had pale skin and one of them had one golden eye and one ruby eye. The other had hair that was the brightest green and eyes the purest silver.

“What is your business within Northwyck?” the odd eyed elf asked us.

“We seek an audience with the Warlocks,” I replied, given them both a wide smile. They both looked very amused at the mention of the warlocks. They gave us directions and bade us a good day. My companions and I exchanged looks. Whoever these Warlocks were, they were not held in a high regard. Why would the Highwayman send us to them?

As we entered the city, I was amazed by what I saw. Buildings looked like they were made out of shaped stone. Some of them looked like the trees had been cultivated into little houses; the branches themselves woven together to provide shelter from the rain. Everywhere I looked I saw one wonder after another. The roads also looked to be made out of one piece of smooth, shaped stone.

We also noticed that this town was mostly populated by elves, half-elves, and humans. The elves, I later found out, were called Crois elves. They were a mix of two other types of elves, the Gem and Metallic Elves. Many of them, and the half-elves, had either bright gem colored hair and metallic colored eyes, metallic hair and gem colored eyes, or one of each color eye.

We found a nice inn near the entrance and decided to drop off our things and wash up before meeting with the Warlocks. The inn had a luxury I had not indulged in for a long time; baths. I soaked for a while, enjoying being truly warm for the first time in weeks. The days were becoming shorter and colder. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the north and its strange seasons.

We finished washing up and headed to the Blackriver family estate. This is where we were told the Warlocks could be found. We also learned that the Blackriver family was one of the founding families of Northwyck. Every time we inquired about the Warlocks, we were met with amused looks. The people were friendly enough, but would not let us in on whatever joke the entire city seemed to be in on.

The path to the estate was created out of that same smooth stone, overlooking the city as we climbed higher and higher. The estate itself was awe inspiring. The house was large, made out of smooth, clean stone. There were statues of cherubs, their chubby hands holding birds or flowers. Beautifully crafted gargoyles protected the roof, their watchful gaze insuring the safety of their inhabitants. The yard itself was orderly and well maintained. Even though the leaves had begun their change for winter, not a single fallen leaf could be seen on the ground.

We approached the large, ornate doors. I smiled at my companions and knocked on the door. We heard bells and strange chimes from inside the house. After a few moments, an elf with golden hair opened the door. He looked at us for a moment, sizing each of us up.

“How may I help you?” he asked politely.

“We are here to speak with the Warlocks, sir,” I replied. He smiled, amusement dancing in his gem colored eyes. He opened the door wide for us and bid us welcome. Once we had all entered the door closed behind us. He led us down several large hallways, each one filled with strange tapestries, pottery, benches, and various other beautiful items that seemed oddly placed. I suppose elves have a different concept of decorating than humans do. Nonetheless it was stunning, unlike anything I have ever encountered before.

He finally led us to a sitting room. On the floor of this room was a beautiful mosaic. It depicted a gorgeous tree, the leaves every color of green imaginable.

“Wait here, please,” He said to us. And with that he left. We waited for about 20 minutes before a strange figure appeared before us.

He was a young elven man with long black hair and bright emerald green eyes. He wore strange elaborate dark green robes. He gave us a large grin.

“Welcome, welcome,” he said. “I am one of the Warlocks of Northwyck. How may I help you today?”

“I’m not quite sure where to start,” I began. The young man was not at all what I expected.

“Before you do, why don’t we join my brothers?” And with that he led us through some curtains and into a large sitting room. There were couches and cushions situated around the room. The other Warlocks were sitting at a small table, playing a strange game I had never seen before. One brother had ruby colored hair and sapphire blue eyes, the other had golden hair and violet eyes.

I froze at the sight of the violet eyes. I could feel my companions freeze as well. There are legends of creatures known as the Cursaid. They made pacts with demons and were cursed by the very gods for their sins. They have bruised purple eyes that mark them as cursed. We collectively breathed a sigh of relief when we realized his eyes were amethyst, not bruised purple.

We exchanged pleasantries. The Warlock who greeted us was known as Xanthas. The Warlock with the golden hair and amethyst eyes was Xavier. Finally, the Warlock with the ruby hair and sapphire eyes was known as Xander. It was Xander who explained to us why the townspeople where so amused by them.

“They think we play a game, and they’re right, we do,” he told us. His brothers both glared at him.

“Xander!” they both exclaimed. Xander just shrugged.

“I dreamed they would come,” he told them. The other two brothers exchanged puzzled looks.

“You dreamed of us?” Jorsca asked. Xander just nodded. I told them why we came and of the ghost that directed us to them.

“I only dreamed you would come, I really don’t know what I am supposed to tell you,” he replied afterwards.

“Why don’t you do for us what you three normally do for people seeking your council,” Jorsca said. I approved of the idea, admiring how clever Jorsca was. They all nodded and sat down in three elaborate chairs. We each gave them a gold and they began to tell our fortune.

They began. Xanthas told us of our past, correctly informing us of the lands of our births. Xavier told us of our present, telling us of the hardships we had gone through and what had brought us to them. It amused me how he spun the tale we told him and made it his own. Then it was Xander’s turn and what happened next still sends shivers down my spine.

As Xander began to talk, it sounded like many voices were speaking through him. “Finally, you have come.  We have waited so long.  The pieces now fall into place.” I could not tell who he was speaking to, himself or us or some unseen force.

““If you would seek your way, be it to glory, riches, fame, adventure, vengeance, justice, healing…or if you would know the answers to secrets long held, then you must seek find them all, and find your way us.  The way was shattered long ago, and must be restored. They will have the pieces.  The next is not far…

In the south, a tomb’s glen

Where the sea is a hand

Find the knights of the earth

And the son of Bran”

He then handed us a twisted bit of metal, even without touching it I could sense the power, the magic radiating from it. Xander then collapsed, gasping for air. Through the angry and worried shouts of his brothers I could hear him gasping, crying, “The dark, oh gods … the dark will rise.” He fainted into his brothers’ arms. The gold elf whom had escorted us informed us it was time to leave, making it clear that if we did not do so immediately, he would make use of the twin long swords at his sides.

We left, not wanting to cross swords or magic with any of them. We were all shaken and walked back in silence to our rooms at the inn. I think that my companions were considering their options. I had already made up my mind. If whatever the voices were promised healing, promised a way to repair my wounded soul, why not see where this path leads to? I really don’t have much else to lose.

We talked, and as we all talked with each other, it became clear that we had all decided to follow this path. Well, everyone with the exception of poor Orcy. He was still very badly shaken by the ghost and the meeting with the Warlocks frightened him even more.

“No more,” he told us, trembling. “Orcy no like ghosts or strange voices. I go look for friend’s relatives.”

We all understood. Not everyone is cut out for travel and adventure. Orcy really is too gentle for that sort of thing. He would make an excellent farmer or something like that. I hope he finds what he is looking for. We all wished him luck. He planned on leaving the next morning.

It was already late afternoon, so starting to piece together the strange message the voices gave us could wait till the morning. I had other plans. First, I wanted to try to change the mood of our group. Everyone has been very serious as of late, I included.

So, despite Doyle’s boorish protests of wasting money, I dragged Ash out to go dress shopping. Kami assisted me. There wasn’t any time to get a proper dress, but it’s always fun to look. To shut Doyle up, we purchased supplies while we were out. Despite her earlier protests, Ash had a good time.

Teal, I need to remember that teal is a very good color on Ash. The moment we have time and resources, I’ll have a dress made for her. I really don’t know why I want to do this for her. Perhaps, it’s because Jasmin and I have never gone dress shopping. Or maybe I feel that I need to watch out for her and Kami. I never did thank their mother properly so the least I could do is look out for Serena’s daughters.

While we were out, Doyle made himself useful by talking to a few caravan workers. He figured out that the “hands” in the riddle were, the Finger Rivers. He also learned that the towns near there were called cairns, another name for tomb. There was one cairn called Glen Cairn.

That’s Doyle for you, Mr. Practical. I suppose it has its uses. We prepared for our journey. Since it would be such a long one, we purchased four more horses. Jorsca is a very good negotiator, talking the price down from two hundred gold to a price that we could afford. Ash and I split the cost of a very friendly mare.

I’m not sure what I am naming her, but I am sure we’ll come up with something appropriate. Bell finally has some company. Ash has agreed to teach me how to ride, though from what I have seen so far, it’s not unlike riding a man. At least riding the horse is more pleasurable.

fantasy, adventure, bard

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