Ruby's Journal - Game Session 2, Entry 2

Nov 03, 2009 10:10

Note - Its been a while. Busy work and life have been busy. I have a few more entries but I'll try to space them out and not overwhelm everyone with them.

Galaran 28th, 1064

Today we made it to Kinrosshire. The caravan we had helped agreed to carry us and the extra gold to the army station there. It was an interesting journey. Thanks to the extra mead I brought with me, one I don’t remember a great deal of.

I found myself on edge and jumpy. I blame that on being surrounded by strange men and the memories of my hellish past still haunting me. How strange, that what took me a year and a half to suppress was brought back within ten minutes. I am grateful that my group believes I am still in shock from our experience with the ghost.

I’ve found solace with my group. Kamaria, wise and beautiful, is always a pleasure to be around. I’ve been helping her improve her voice. Doyle is fun to tease, as always. I’m still shocked by my discovery of feelings for him. They aren’t romantic feelings, more as if he were an older, less refined brother. Aislinn’s quiet company is strangely soothing. I think she got that from her mother. Orcy, our shy half-orc, has been very quiet since the incident with the ghost. I don’t really blame him.

Jorsca, well, Jorsca is most certainly a rogue, a handsome rogue, but definitely a rogue. And from what I have seen, he most certainly has magic fingers. We played cards as we traveled, a distraction for both of us. I never won, but then I refused to bet anything. He’s a strange male, handsome yet doesn’t over use his looks, witty yet not crass or overly sarcastic, and charming but never forceful. I can see myself becoming his friend. He has a carefree manner about him, similar to the one I pretend to have.

We were able to collect our reward and then sell off some of the items we looted from the bandits. I’m not used to having so much gold. I think I’ll send some to Jasmin. If I send it, Derrek can’t say anything. Sometimes he’s a bit too proud.

Now we make our way to Northwyck, to see the “Warlocks”. I have no idea what this will lead to, but I am very curious as to why ghosts would speak of me. The only ghost I could think of is that of my former master. I personally hope that his soul is burning in the deepest pit of the Halls of Morte.

adventure, dnd

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