Ruby's Journal - Game Session 1, Entry 1

Oct 14, 2009 08:20

Dracian 24th, 1064

Skye City is nothing like I imagined it. The city is so large and clean. I have never seen a place so pristine before. The gardens are well manicured, the walls are unmarred by dirt or mud, and the people take pride in their appearance, presenting themselves in a clean and friendly manner. I get a great sense of pride from these people. The buildings themselves seem to stand tall with pride, for never have I ever seen structures so high before.

Kamaria is handling the change of scenery very well. Aislinn on the other hand, seems to have become more grumpy and stubborn since we entered the city. I think she just misses the wild woods and her familiar places. Hopefully, she’ll come to enjoy exploring. Doyle on the other hand is the dourest man I have ever met. Getting him to do anything as simple as cleaning the road dust off his face is a chore. Good thing I don’t mind bullying him into doing it.

I lack the appropriate words to describe the ocean. Never have I seen such a wonder, such a large amount of water. I found myself mesmerized by it, unable to pull myself away at times. I would spend hours just watching the waves and imagining what might be beyond the mists. I have to admit, it is the most peaceful I have felt in long time. In some ways, it reminds me of Seven Sands, of the rolling dunes. How strange, that I would miss that place, but then it wasn’t without its beauty.

We found a nice inn in the Adventure’s District. This area is less patrolled than the rest of the city. It has an edge of excitement and danger to it, my type of place. The innkeeper agreed to discount our rooms in exchange for my services. Thankfully, he didn’t suspect what other services I could provide and instead was content with me singing my foreign songs and dancing for his patrons. If I could actually feel more emotions, I probably would have enjoyed the experience.

adventure, dnd, story, bard

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