Dec 21, 2003 17:40
001. Copy and paste this into your journal.
002. Bold the ones you have in common with me.
003. The ones that you don't have in common with me, take out and write something about yourself.
004. Be sure to mention who you got this from.
01. I frequently forget to wear perfume at all.
02. I'm addicted to pepperoni P'Zones from Pizza Hut.
03. I don't necessarily like taking pictures, but I have thousands of my kids.
04. I dye my hair when I 'need a change'.
06. I have a little brother I haven't seen in over 13 years.
07. I was a tomboy - daddy wasn't around for me to be his little girl.
08. I got married in October.
09. I am on friendly terms with none of my ex-boyfriends.
10. I wish I could sing more often, and do something with the talent.
11. Christmas is my favourite time of year. Usually.
12. I can play a musical instrument. Or I could a few years back - *grins*.
13. I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing. Far more than expensive gifts, actually.
14. I'm addicted to my current string of innocent, sweet falling in love dreams. I'm so happy when I wake up.
15. I never put up away messages because I don't talk, I just turn the program off.
16. I've broken both arms twice, thrown my knee cap out, twisted my ankle countless times, and had my eyebrow stiched up when I was 3 or so.
17. I've dialled 911 for myself and for strangers who needed help more times than I remember.
18. I had a happy childhood, because in childhood you're too niave to know when things are wrong.
19. I think I'm quite good with makeup.
20. I'm trying to lose weight. But really, who isn't?
21. I'm addicted to chocolate. I can never make it through Lent without - a simple 40 days.
22. I'm anal about saving memories.
23. I don't like to get dressed on weekends, and seldome do if I don't have to get the kids.
24. My favorite chips right now are...I dunno. Pringle's Cheezum's, I guess.
25. I think I've been mature for a very long time, I've just changed in the past few years.
26. I have proportionate boobs - my hips are equal to them. Although my hips are huge, so maybe....
27. I despise shopping, and only do it when I have to.
28. I have no problem with public speaking.
29. For years I wanted to name my first son Ean Matthew, and my first daughter Catherine Storm or Robin Dale III.
30. I like kissing, but I like being kissed on my neck and around my ears more.
31. I play The SIMS, if I play at all.
32. I think CSI is cheap drama, and terribly cliche, but I am incredibly addicted.
33. I'm a bitch, I'm a lover; I'm a child, I'm a mother; I'm a sinner, I'm a saint.
34. I'm pretty lazy sometimes, but I can really get a lot done when I'm motivated.
35. I clean when I have no other choice.
36. I am a bundle of street smarts, although I do have a niavete to me at times.
37. I am usually barefoot if I can help it, but love socks.
38. I love meat, and could live without it, but wouldn't want to.
39. I am an extremely fussy eater.
40. I think too much.
41. I dream of owning my own home.
42. I have sung in tons of choirs, in front of thousands of people, and on TV. I adore singing.
43. I hate bathroom humor, period.
44. I adore babies.
45. I'm allergic only to an antibiotic that doctors say no one is allergic to. *laughs* Morons.
46. I had a scholarship to attend one college, and attended another and went on the Dean's list. No degree.
47. I like facial hair as long as it's not wild cave man type.
48. I like the length of a man's hair to fit his personality, face, and occupation.
49. I don't like being online a lot anymore, but I can't seem to stay away for long.
50. I have one godson.
51. I can stick to a budget - but only because of my husband.
52. My biggest failings are messiness, laziness and procrastination. That's why I'm doing this instead of my housework.
53. I love to dance, even if I'm not very good at it.
54. I like horror movies, but have yet to find one that's well made.
55. I'm a chiche romantic, but like to think I'm not - flowers, chocolates, poetry..
56. If I'm hungry, I eat. Unless I'm with a lot of people - I get embarrassed because of my size.
57. I can't really be truly mean, no matter how badly I want to. I can be a BITCH at times.
58. Both of my ears are pierced, and I intend to get two more holes on my right ear. I had my left cartlidge pierced, but it didn't heal well and I had to let it close.
59. I love having secrets, but I'm not very good at keeping them.
60. I have a nifty tattoo, and plans for another one in January.
61. I try to always look on the bright side of life - but am not always successful.
62. I'm a Libra, and by all accounts, fairly typical of that sign.
63. I dream of winning Lotto, but never play. How ironic.
64. I miss places - New York, Cocoa Beach and Youngstown. But no place in particular that I've lived.
65. I used to be a good cook, but stink now and hate doing it. That's what my husband is for.
66. One day I hope to write a book and have it published.
67. I have come to like my name - although I like the ones I've picked for myself more. ;o)
68. I have an over-active conscience and hate hurting people.
69. Most of my childhood/high school friends took off when I had a baby, and I didn't get the swing of making real life friends again until recently. The one IRL exception to this is Christy.
70. Motherhood is much harder than it looks.
71. I try really hard not to do things just because others expect it off me, but still I keep doing them.
72. If I could turn back the clock, yes, there are things I would change.
73. I don't understand the point of this question after question 60, but I have one tattoo and plan one more.
74. I like to sing along with music in the car - dramatically. I'm sure people see me and laugh.
75. I really really want a puppy.
76. I'm an aunt to seven nephews and four nieces.
77. I can type about 65-70 words per minute - with three fingers.
78. I never do my Christmas shopping until Christmas Eve or so - I need to find out what my budget will be.
79. I learn by trial and error. Painful experience and pleasant.
80. I am a control freak.
81. Part of me wants another child, but the larger part knows I don't.
82. What haven't I heard? Lizard Breath, Betsy Wetsy, you name it.
83. I live in America, and think it's as fine as anywhere.
84. I want to travel to different countries around the world.
85. My best subject was always English, principles of democracy, Earth Science, Drama and of course - choir.
86. There is something else I should be doing rather than this.
87. I hate filling out forms, but love LJ tests. The irony of my life is stitilating.
88. I hate going to bed alone, and always have. I used to have a body pillow and an electric blanket as a teenager/single woman that I pretended was my "husband".
89. I like traditional names, but also love my husband's flair for the non traditional.
90. I am a very touchy feely person, but not as much as I describe online. You can definitely tell if you've invaded my space and made me uncomfortable.
91. I wore white at my second wedding - I wore burgundy to the first. LOL!
92. I'm not perfectly visioned, but won't wear glasses and have no idea what the perscription I was given was for.
93. I like talking on the phone, but not about business.
94. VIPs are just ordinary people underneath all the hype.
95. I have a tendency to make lists for work functions so I won't forget where I am, but refuse to organize my home life processes.
96. My family tree is too far dispersed to research. I'd like to find my little brother, though.
97. I love reading letters, love receiving them, and always plan to send responses...but I never actually take my written response and SEND IT. And then I feel terrible guilt about it, which is even worse when the next letter comes. I'm such a bitch.
98. Sometimes I am really comfortable with my appearance and other times I am very uncomfortable with it.
99. I adore my job.
100. Repetition drives me insane.