My Life Would Suck Without You [Tofuho] [NC-17] [1/1]

Dec 26, 2010 21:33

Title: My Life Would Suck Without You
Pairing: Tofuho [Onew/Minho]
Genre: Smut, AU
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,577
Summary: Jinki's pushed over the edge after Minho pushes just the right button.

A/N: I will be the first to admit smut is not my forte, but I really wanted to write this for my darling eijifujiryoma . Baby, I hope this is acceptable, or you can at least laugh at it and feel better! <3

First went the bottom drawer, then the second, and now the closet. All of its contents on the left side are tossed out the front door, an air of finality in the dull 'thump' of their landing.

“Babe, you don't want to do this.”

“Oh, but I do, babe.”

Two weeks. Two weeks Minho had been 'busy with lectures and studying,' no time for his boyfriend, only for Jinki to discover he was going to the club to hang out with his friends. Jinki sat at home, lonely with only his textbooks to keep him company. But he was content, knowing that his boyfriend was working just as diligently, elsewhere, so neither would be tempted. Tempted to toss their school work to the side, say screw the future, and spend the rest of the day in bed.

Long fingers wrap around his wrist just as Jinki's grabbing for the TV set. “Just calm down and let me talk to you about this.” Minho's voice is thick like honey, but he sounds more exasperated then apologetic.

“Fuck you.” The TV is tossed into the hall, with the grace of god landing on the ever growing pile of clothes and not smashing into a million tiny pieces.

They've been together too long for Jinki to take this kind of shit. The normally sweet, reserved man has had it. No longer will he be fooled by a handsome face and killer body.

“Jinki, please - “

There's nothing more of his for Jinki to toss out. Only one thing left. “Minho. Get. Out.”

A dazed expression, followed by a shove out the door. Before the taller man has a chance to protest, Jinki slams the door shut once more and dead bolts it. He's already taken Minho's keys, so he won't have to worry about that.

Safe, by himself, Jinki allows his shoulders to fall in defeat as he heads for a calming shower. In the hall Minho releases a self loathing growl while taking his TV and slamming it against the wall himself. Jinki punches the wall of the shower, unrelenting tiles bruising his knuckles, while Minho slides down the hallway wall, elbows on his knees and head held in his hand, pieces of silver and black scattered all around him as he stares at all of his belongings carelessly strewn across the ground.

“Jinki, you're not serious?” Taemin's eyes are large with concern as he pulls at the sleeve of his oversized sweater.

With a solemn nod, Jinki continues to stare into the hazel depths of his coffee.

“Wow, I can't believe Minho would do that … And you really kicked him out?”

“Yep.” That lying bastard deserved it. Probably recovering from a hangover on his own right now, hell, not even on his own. With some of his club friends.

Taemin sticks his bottom lip out, sympathy written across his face. “What are you going to do?”

Jinki shrugs.

“You're not going to do anything?” Taemin asks, astonished.

“This is just how relationships work,” Jinki says, keeping in check the anger that threatens to biol over into his words, “Hey, why don't we go see a movie or something?”

Taemin is bouncing out of his seat in no time. “Oh! That new comedy!”

Jinki laughs, tousles the freshman's hair affectionately, forcing himself to just forget all about him. He doesn't need Minho in his life, he really doesn't. He's better off now.

“So you finally pressed the right button?”

Minho glares at his snickering friend, his temporary room mate for the time being. “Shut the hell up, Jonghyun.”

Immediately, the brunette puts his hands up in surrender. “Sorry, but I mean. You actually pissed Jinki off enough for him to kick you out of the apartment? That has to be, like, a world's first or something.” Jonghyun chuckles. “You suck, man.”

Dropping his head into his hands again, Minho shakes his head. “Don't you think I already know that? I might have ruined everything just because I was stupid and selfish. I wanted time for myself, but I didn't even consider Jinki's feelings.”

Jonghyun shrugs, goes back to his video game. “Are you going to try and fix it? Or just mope around here forever? Because, I don't know how Kibum is going to feel about this … “

“I'm going to fix it.” Minho's eyes spark with determination as he speaks, “I just have to … Figure out how to fix it.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.”

“You're an asshole, you know that?”

Jonghyun shoots him a smug grin over his shoulder.

Work drug for what felt like decades to Jinki and he now has an empty, cold apartment and ten page essay to face. He unbuttons his red satin vest, part of his uniform as a waiter, with one hand while the other rifles through his satchel for his keys. No luck finding them, he sighs and resorts to punching in the code. He's never been good with memorizing numbers …

The keypad flashes with a bright green message “unlocked” before he even punches in a number. Brow creased, Jinki pushes open the door with weary eyes. He's positive he locked up before leaving -

“Fuck!” he nearly jumps three feet into the air when Minho steps into the entryway, glass of water in hand.

“Oh.” Minho blinks. “I didn't know you'd be back so soon.”

Jinki keeps his hand on his pounding chest while glaring at the tall figure. “What the hell are you doing here?” he growls, hostility rolling off of him in waves.

With a shrug, Minho makes a wide motion with his hands. “I came back … To, um, well … Apologize.”

“I don't want your apology, I want you out - “

The glass of water is smoothly placed on a catch-all table off to the side as Minho glides forward, long arms wrapping around Jinki before he can resist. The dark haired man doesn't hesitate to pull Jinki into a deep, open mouthed kiss, cutting off the rest of his sentence. Jinki's protests are muffled as his eyes scrunch shut and he fights to pull away from the strong hold. Minho's grip only tightens around the man's slender waist.

“Jinki, let's just work this out.” Minho's voice is husky, words spoken against Jinki's neck so that hot breath whispers across his skin and gives him goosebumps.

Rough hands thread through honey colored locks of hair, needy but gentle. Jinki melts into the touch, eyelids flutter, and he lets his forehead drop to Minho's shoulder. Is this how it's going to end? By giving into Minho's smooth words and soft caresses? Jinki's always been a push over, why should he stop now? But the memories of late nights waiting up for Minho, all of the aches and pains he ignored to dote on his 'stressed' boyfriend …

Surprising both of them, Jinki shoves Minho against the nearest wall. His eyes are sharp with emotions, he's not going to let Minho get away with this so easily. But what does he do now? Minho looks down at him, daring smirk playing on his lips. He wants to hit that smug expression off of him.

Jinki pulls his fist back from where he was clutching the fabric of Minho's shirt, aims a punch at Minho's handsome face, only for his hit to be caught easily. All his pent up anger and frustration starts to bubble up to the surface just as Minho leans forward.

“Is that the best you've got?”

The next punch is quick, efficient, and clips Minho in the nose. He reels back, hands immediately cupping the part of his face were blood is starting to gush out of. Jinki blinks, backs away a few steps. Minho deserved that, he's not going to say he's sorry. Minho tilts his head back, grabs a nearby tissue box and shoves a bunch under his nose.

“That was pretty good,” he comments, gaze finding it's way to his shell-shocked boyfriend, “I have to say I'm impressed.”

“I've never … hit someone like that … “

Minho reaches out, hands grasping for Jinki. “Come here, it's okay.” But Jinki won't budge, so he has to move away from the wall to wrap his free arm around his waist. “I was selfish, this is what you should've done from the very beginning.”

Jinki shakes his head, guilt flooding over him, and he's starting to break as all the previous red hot resolve is flushed away. “No, I shouldn't have - “

Minho tosses the tissues, nose back to normal aside from some signs of bruising to come. “Don't worry, Jinki. Did it at least make you feel better?”

Jinki bites down on his bottom lip, tears beginning to pool. “No,” he manages to get out, and once again he's letting himself be cradled by Minho's protective hold.

Minho presses butterfly kisses up Jinki's neck, a lazy trail up to his jaw, and then his soft cheeks, and then those slightly quivering lips. “I'll make you feel better,” he purrs.

It's easy to be seduced by a bedroom voice like Minho's. Jinki's knees grow weak for the sultry baritone just as Minho's hands find their way to Jinki's ass. He lets out a surprised squeak but it's muffled when Minho's perfectly lush lips mesh against his own smaller ones. It doesn't take much coaxing before Jinki's mouth is opening and granting entrance to Minho's hot tongue, which promptly makes itself at home.

Their tongues dance in a slow and sensual tango. Minho has clear dominance, there's no fight to be had, and Jinki welcomes it. It feels good to have someone just love him after this hellish week. He sighs contentedly as his hands slip under the thin material of Minho's t-shirt. His soft fingers press against the flesh covering rock hard abs. Jinki loves to feel his boyfriend's muscles and then picture just how Minho will use them to make love to him.

Jinki hums at the thought as Minho continues to massage his backside. He stops, body flush against Jinki's as he pushes him against the wall to deepen their kissing further. Minho tastes of peppermint, the scent and flavor lingering long enough to fill Jinki with a familiar warmth. He's so caught up in engraving this to his memory, doesn't realize how much he's missed it, that Minho's deft fingers slip his shirt over and off without him taking notice.

It isn't until skin on skin contact that Jinki fully takes in that they're both both shirtless and Minho's jeans are unbuttoned, belt unbuckled, and he's working at his.


“This is what I want, baby,” Minho's words drip like dew on a foggy morning as the pads of his fingers brush the sensitive skin just above the band to Jinki's underwear, “If this is what you want?”

“It is.”

Tan, toned arms support his weight and Jinki instinctively curls around Minho's body, arms around his neck and legs wrapped around Minho's waist. He knows exactly how this is going down. Minho kicks their loose articles of clothing aside to be picked up at a later time and depending on his mood, they'll either end up on the couch or the bed.

They don't make it even that far.

Jinki hisses as Minho once again shoves him against the wall, this time his shoulders taking the full brunt of the action. A bottle of lube appears from one of his fists as he unwinds his arm from around Jinki, keeping him pressed against the wall. Jinki takes it from him, eagerly spreads the contents on his own hands to work onto Minho's cock.

He hadn't been aware of Minho's member's growth, but the length wagging between his legs is hard to ignore now. The moment his own hard on makes contact, he's ready to just drop down on his knees and suck Minho dry. But that isn't a part of his boyfriend's plans. Minho's eyelids slide shut as Jinki works the lube on, no worries about protection after they had both been deemed clean not even a month ago.

“Don't rush it,” Minho orders when he feels Jinki's fingers quickening, working too fast while shaking with anticipation.

Jinki gulps. He can't handle much more, he just wants Minho in him. Now.

He does a thorough job, although painstakingly slow, and he can feel his dick pulsing when Minho reopens his eyes and has the focus of a predatory animal. Jinki is about to resort to getting himself off, he's starting to get so hot, but Minho saves him as his own hand takes hold of the base of Jinki's cock. He strokes it, steady at first and then quick jerks that have Jinki's toes curling and breath coming out short.

Just when he thinks he's close to the edge, he can feel the heat pooling in his stomach, tingling and tight, Minho enters him. It's a fluid, forceful movement that causes Jinki to reel backward, head slamming against the wall to distract himself from the initial pain from below. Minho releases his hold on Jinki's cock, instead settling to hold onto his hips to make the process smoother.

He's slow at first, filling Jinki completely until he feels like bursting, taking his time to allow Jinki to recover and adjust. It's when Jinki stops biting down on his bottom lip that Minho takes that as his cue to set to work.

Thrusting in and out with the kind of power Jinki's weaker body can only wish to harness, Minho let's out a not-so-quiet moan. Jinki quivers as Minho turns, bucks back in at just the right angle to hit his sweet spot. He doesn't bother keeping it in, belting out Minho's name like a song from deep within.

“Faster, faster, baby,” Jinki pants, muscles flexing and tightening as his mind swims in ecstasy.

Minho meets his demands with a grunt, working up a sweat from the exertion of holding Jinki up while fucking him at the same time. Jinki's nails are, thankfully, blunt as they drag down Minho's back, scratching out his pleasure as he scrunches his nose. He can feel his climax coming, so close, but he needs that one last push.

The sound of Jinki's name fills the hall as Minho hits his orgasm, one last buck of his hips. Jinki can't imagine a sound more perfect to his ears and comes at just the moment Minho begins to empty into him.

Sticky, white adorns Minho's abdomen as he pulls out of Jinki, allowing the other man to get to his feet once again. Both are unsteady on their feet, but Minho's head is the first to stop spinning.

“Do you forgive me?”

“Will you do me again, only harder this time?”

Minho grins at the challenge and Jinki can't believe he has the nerve to be so cheeky, but either way it gets him what he wants.

nc-17, shinee fanfiction, tofuho, oneshot, finished

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