Fic: Wings (Part 3)

Jun 19, 2013 09:22

Title: Wings
Author: brightly_litRating: R for language, violence and sex, more romantic than graphic ( Read more... )

sam, dean, romance, rating: r, wing!kink, castiel, angels, action/adventure, angst, humor

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kalliel June 19 2013, 18:05:47 UTC
Oh man, that conversation between Dean and Castiel in the first part, about the feathers, was such a neat detail, and really well realized. I loved the push-pull between all of the characters in this story, from Sam conceptualizing Dean and Castiel's relationship to Michael. MICHAEL. <3 Who remains, imho, one of the characters best realized in fic. I loved your rendition here. Great job!


brightly_lit June 22 2013, 00:27:42 UTC
Thank you!!

I love that you say that about Michael, and I couldn't agree more--when I set out to write this fic, I was like, "Wait a minute, isn't he only in like two episodes, and then only barely??" It freed me up to do what I wanted with him, which was neat, because I love angels and wanted to make more of my own character for one.

I'm so glad you liked the convo about the feathers! :-D I thought that was fun, too.

Thanks for reading and commenting!! Can I add you as a friend?


kalliel June 22 2013, 16:03:12 UTC
Yes, of course! /adds you back

Michael is probably one of my #1 character conceits ever (I saw some S5 gifs on Tumblr the other day and about died because I'd forgotten how much that season meant to me and IT IS MY FAVORITE EVER AND OMG, MICHAEL)---rather, the potential of Michael. XD The two episode he was in weren't as cool as Michael is in my mind, and in fandom's mind, haha. But Michael fic? Oh yes. I'm there.


brightly_lit June 23 2013, 06:02:03 UTC
The two episode he was in weren't as cool as Michael is in my mind

YES, this! He had so much potential! I LOVED what they did with Lucifer, but Michael ... eh. And Jensen is such an incredible actor, it would have been awesome to see him play someone completely different (with much more formal speech patterns, etc.) than Dean--they could have had a lot of fun with that.


What are your favorite things about Michael? (I love that you like to interact! That's what lj is for, in my opinion ...)


kalliel June 23 2013, 06:44:38 UTC
In Dark Angel JA played a well-to-do piano teacher (or, I guess he played a guy playing a well-to-do piano teacher--details, details); I can see his Michael being a slightly less I Am the Romantic Love Interest of This Flashback version of that! Sigh, that would have been fun indeed. I'll also go ahead and wave my "Jeffery Donovan for the Archangel Michael" flag ( ... )


brightly_lit June 24 2013, 07:16:42 UTC
his massive potential for mindfuck and chaos

Ahh, excellent.

Problem #1 with Crowley or Dick Roman as major villains, I think. We know them far too well. They were threats, more or less, but they were never horrifying. Michael was.GREAT point. Hm, which makes me wonder if that's why the writers never did that much with him, because to put a face and personality with that potential for horror would inevitably make it less scary ( ... )


kalliel June 24 2013, 16:34:30 UTC
But then they did and it was like, hmmm, okay. XD Maybe Jake Abel--bless him--just can't carry that gravitas? Idk. I know I keep pulling out quotes, but I think this one sort of gets at what you're talking about here, albeit from a slightly different angle. It's by Irish playwright Martin McDonagh ( ... )


kalliel June 22 2013, 16:08:10 UTC
/stalking your profile

Wait, you like SPN and BBC's Being Human? MARRY ME.


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