9.10, or, It's good to have you back, SPN ... and Sam

Jan 18, 2014 21:25

Ah, 9.10. I saw before I even watched it that everyone seemed to have liked it, and I did, too--quite a bit. Good script, great direction, wonderful acting, Tahmoh ... you know it's a good episode when you sit back at the 15-minute mark and find yourself thinking, "Now THAT'S entertainment!"

I will venture to say, however, that when Cas was fondling Sam's chest (while Sam made a lot of interesting faces at him), and red ... not to mention white ... substances were frequently being traded between the wide-open mouths of good-looking men, I could not help but think of the casual viewer tuning in, resulting in the inevitable instant WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?? response. To the fans, it all makes PERFECT sense, whereas to the uninitiated, they must wonder what kind of freaky cult we've got going on here. And that, my fellow fans, is yet another reason to adore this show.

One thing I LOVED about this episode was that it broke new ground. We've never seen anyone like Corey before in the world of SPN, which was greatly refreshing. I liked Cecily and Abner a lot, too--all the new characters. Plus, I love when SPN casually describes diabolical acts of the gov't and/or corporations as the work of demons and monsters (like HFCS, and now, the NSA), or at least that demons fit right in there. YOU MAKE ME HAPPY, SPN. When the King of Hell behaves far more ethically than the RL humans in charge of gov'ts and corporations, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there's a fuck lot wrong with our world. But I digress ...

I also loved the end. My greatest fear was that when Show returned, it would continue treading water as relates to the growth of the main characters and their relationship and it would all have amounted to much ado about nothing (please, Show, please don't do that), but the final scene implies there really was a point to all this. Would it really take ALL THAT to break through Dean's lifelong cycle of denial and bluster? Frankly, probably. The idea of seeing him ACTUALLY CHANGE AND GROW is profoundly exciting, as is the possibility that the relationship between the brothers could legitimately, truly be healed. Please, Show, pretty please, go there? I'll be your best friend if you do ....

(Plus, the Sassy shippers will be happy! Sam and Cas in the bunker for the next however long, with nothing to do ... but each other.)

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