We're all different, and that's awesome

Jan 29, 2015 14:45

A fantastic quote on feminism that I want to remember:

" Equalist as the replacement word sounds like an active, willing erasure of the specific problems faced by each of the marginalized groups in society. Each will have their own pitfalls and villains in the public eye, yet the approaches to solving the problems are unique to themselves. Erasing the various identities and struggles to homogenize them to allay the delicate sensibilities of people who don't want to be associate with the word "feminism" which had somehow become a bad thing in society, will not help matters at all. It's actually hurting our causes more to erase the specific problems and people from our awareness. And people can also be for equality when it comes to race or disability, but will have startling misogynistic views. Equalist only serves to placate the misogyny by implying that identifying with women's struggles is somehow beneath people."

people, thoughts, random thoughts, humanity, life, humans

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