Deeep breath

Jan 20, 2015 15:50

Good news: I have personal anecdotal evidence that at least six grams of Inositol powder per day have seriously curbed symptoms of multiple anxiety disorders, OCD, and ADHD-Inattentive Type. It will take a few months to really see major effects, but combined with the new Cymbalta, the therapeutic inositol is a good thing for me. For ME. Mom sent me the inositol powder she had because she said it was too sweet. It's been replacing sugar in my coffee for a few weeks now. Besides, you need more inositol if you drink coffee.

I'm almost recovered from this respiratory virus thing. Using Mucinex D has helped, although I'll be happy to no longer need it. I miss free deep independent breathing. Not even these qigong exercises work enough. But that is what modern medicine is for. And holistic medicine for balancing support. *drinks more Fenugreek honey tea with mangosteen powder*

The fibromyalgia flare that has plagued me for a full month is still in full strength, but I feel like I am too used to it. I wonder if that's a bad thing.

I see my general physician tomorrow anyway: We were planning on discussing my new positive relationship with Cymbalta and its amelioration of my worst episodes of OCD, ADHD, panic disorder, and nightmares. But mentioning something to kill a virus is a good idea as well. And the next day is my monthly pain specialist appointment. I plan on talking about the canned oxygen treatments I've been taking.

chronic pain, illnesses, disabilities, fibromyalgia

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