Also there is a large comet between Earth and the Moon right now.

Oct 11, 2012 17:54

We spent the day running little random errands, and I got to completely geek out with our friend John who is awesome.
Tonight's linner (late lunch and early dinner) will be pasta in a vodka cream sauce. I had better eat a bunch of it. *shakes fist*
Tomorrow, we go to Kaiser Permanente, where Adam will have physical therapy at 11:30 and then the MRI of his lower back at 4:00. In between, we will go shopping and have lunch and discuss things.

I myself am trying to do all the home therapies I've been taught, all the exercises and meditations and such.

Also, we went to Home Depot and bought flower bulbs, and I spent some time planting tulip bulbs everywhere along the front walk. Multi-colored tulips, Spring 2013. Also an amaryllis, and an olive tree and a pomegranate tree.

I don't know what else to say. Mainly because Rose is on my lap demanding snuggles.

stuff, adam, life

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