To Cease Hurting, To Never Cease Fighting

Sep 09, 2012 15:44

This sums up too many things for me. It shatters and heals my heart.
Thank you, Shinga.

The body sings in harmony with the brain since the beginning. And when the connections are shattered and the harmony is broken, the only thing left to do is write a new song, even if it takes until the end.

*I cannot sing. I cannot dance. But I can write. I can speak. I can dream. And I can fight.*

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I don't want to describe the pain today. I don't want to describe the seizures this morning. I cannot stop thinking about the dreams when I slept, the insomnia until four in the morning, the anxiety attack upon waking, the desperation to feel happy, the lack of appetite, the desire to feel comfort.

The best things about today:
All three cats surrounding me on the bed.
All three cats following me down to the living room, with Luna trilling, mewling, chirping, barking, begging for hugs.
Still being able to smile and be amused by Futurama and My Little Pony Friendship, which I think have been saving parts of my sanity.
My amazing husband calling from Las Vegas to tell me that he will be home a day early - tomorrow morning, in fact.

And so, I drink my superfruit smoothie, swallow my medications, perform my meditative magics, and try to mend my cracked rhythm for another day.

anxiety, hypersensitivity, neurological disorders, migraine, arthralgia, spears, fibromyalgia, depression, chronic pain, self, cerebral palsy, body image, disabilities, fatigue, pain, fears, sciatica, muscles, body, epilepsy, music, spasticity

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