Mar 20, 2010 13:56
I spent an hour out front, in my fenced-in front yard, dancing and spinning in the warmth and the sunlight and the yayness.
Now I am watching Serenity on Syfy.
I watched the penultimate episode of Caprica last night, and I'm sure the ASPCA is breathing a sigh of relief, as are dog lovers everywhere. Still, it was intense. "No, no, ha ha, we didn't really shoot the dog, the dog is fine, see? See? We just wanted to establish that this character is a wee bit morally reprehensible, if you didn't already know." Still, I had to hit the Mute button during that scene and was already starting to compose an Angry Letter in my head before the shooter "missed" the shot and then it was revealed that the gun had blanks. And then I thought, You are fucking lucky, writers, but good show.
I feel as though I am waiting for something big. I am on a verge. No idea what. But some sort of verge.
Pain-wise, I feel a little better today. I love my coffee and my methylsulfonylmethane.