Who did I kill??

Jul 13, 2009 14:02

So I missed my post yesterday because Sal told me that the majority of the time we spend together that I am mean and insensitive. Which greatly hurt my feelings because it makes me seem like a horrible person, and who wants to know that they are constantly hurting the person they love?

I don't feel his words are correct. I mean, we all have our moments, but I cannot for the life of me remember a time I'v esaid something mean to him. Inadvertantly, maybe, but never ever on purpose. So the depression from that hasn't left me yet. I spent the evening alone in my room, I finished HP:DH, as I found the paperback copy at Wal*Mart. I now have all seven books in paperback and the last three in hardcover. Woo.

So I spoke briefly with Rose and she suggested that if I don't listen, he'll never open up and that I need to state to him, that his criticism wasn't constructive. I'm not really concerned with him opening up to me again. This is the first time in two years he's hurt my feelings and made me cry. Probably a good run.

In good news, after a 20 minute wait at the DMV the hottie that pulled my number waived my late fees when he saw that my address was correct but I hadn't received my renewal notice. *dances* Then when he saw my Pride and Prejudice and Zombies book, we talked about that. He eyed it a few times before I finally just said yeah, It's P&P with Zombies. He laughed and said it sounded cool.

Then I came home, had lunch and am about to head off to the gym. Sal and I started going to the gym, because we felt like we'd gotten really lazy. Between our jobs we always eat late and feel crappy. So it's been about a month, but I missed a week with my infection so I haven't gone as much as I like. I love going. I love the feeling and I really love having an hour or so to myself where no one bothers me. Phone off, Wash the iPod on and I walk walk walk. Occasionally I lift weights, but I'm not so good. I do like the eliptical too.

Then I work tonight. And tomorrow it's HARRY POTTER! But also my sister is coming with her dad, because he qualified for a TTY phone because his hearing has gotten so bad. So I guess they can pick one up here for free and so when my sister told him, he's like hell yeah lets go down there and have lunch. So lunch, hanging out with Jess at Edwards and finally.....HARRY POTTER!

OMG I'm so excited.

Then Friday....Urban. Keith Urban! And then my dad on Sat. Woohoo.

family, harry potter, random!jane, sal, sister, life

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