California's a brand new game..

Jul 05, 2008 00:46

So today I went to my dads, to have lunch with him. I was really only expecting a bit of lunch, my putting up with him and then a casual goodbye, thanks for lunch and then I'd pop back to my sisters before lunch and hang with the fam. My dad picked me up for lunch at 11:30. I got back to my sisters at 9:30.

I hung out with my dad all day. And even better? It was kinda fun. I asked him why he walked out on mom when she was pg with me, and he told me. He said he got pissed off at her, for something he cannot remember now. Which is shitty, but at least I have an idea. And he said my brother's had cornered him and said some this and he had it, and then something happened with my mom and that was it. To which he apologized for tonight. He said that he couldn't make up for not being there before, he could only be there for me from now on.

He's planning on leaving me his house, and a lump sum of money. (OMG!) It's a nice house to be honest, but when I said he could leave me his house I meant it as a joke. I never told him, just my sister.

he thanked me for today and said it was the best day he'd had in a long time and he couldn't be happier to have spent the day with me. He was practically tickled pink. And he didn't get on my nerves, which he always used to when I was a teenager. He said he wished we'd have gotten in contact under better circumstances but he's glad none the less. He went and got my birth certificate for me, so passport here I come!!! And I can apply for mom's death benefit from SS. Woo!

He offered me his other bedroom and said I was welcome to come stay or even move down here. That's not going to happen but I sure appreciate the gesture. I'm trying to talk him into my Fairlane but he's not buyin it yet.

I told him I was surprised he'd wanted anything to do with me, since I was convinced he didn't care, and that after Sharon got in the picture and things went south that it was his choice. And he said he'd missed me for years and would do anything in his power to keep that from happening again.

I actually enjoyed myself. It's like talking to a friend, a really good one. He's not going to fill mom's void, or take her place, and I don't trust that this won't happen again, however, he's family, and he wants me around, so I'll see what happens. I'm cynical by nature, and I told him I don't trust anyone or anything anyone says so that I probably would take this all with a grain of salt. I told him he didn't have to leave me anything, and he said who else would he leave it to?

His health is good, he's 73, works full time, dances and takes cruises and dabbles in photography, he dyes his hair (OMG) and is going bald. We're so much alike it's effing scary. Stubborn, pigheaded, packratish, cut off your nose to spite your face, quick to anger. He gets over it quick, whereas from mom I got her grudge holding, and still hold onto mine a bit.

So all in all, a good day. Tomorrow the sister and I are headed for shopping, and then gonna see my brothers and Papa Bill since I missed them all today.

Dude. I can't believe this.

family, sissy

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