Your Doctor Who is a freak.

Jun 19, 2008 13:22

So I went to bed at four am, and read Twilight until about five fifteen. So this morning I'm so hoping for a decent lay in. My phone starts going off at 10am and I figure, since everything has happened, I ought to respond to whomever it is calling. So I open it up and it's a text...

"Your Doctor who is a freak!"

From my sister. Ok. Odd, she loves Torchwood, OMG she's a Torchwood freak. But she wouldn't watch DW. So I go back to sleep hoping for a bit more nap, when I get a text

"That show fuckin rocks!"

So I finally get up come into the kitchen fire up the comp and call her. And she starts going on about how she woke up to a marathon on Sci Fi and she hasn't left her bed all morning, and she thinks this show is freakin' great, and the Doctor is a spazz and omg.

My sister is now officially a Doctor Who Fangirl. She called me in the middle of Army of Ghosts and was like, WTF this isn't my Torchwood, what the eff is going on, where's Jack??

I can't believe it. And she's adding it to her Netflix. OMG.

On a sort of side note, I've seen previews from tomorrow's Who with the girl from ER. But no sign of our other favorite redhead (aside from me that is). Where's Donna??

tv, doctor who, family, sissy

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