(no subject)

Sep 16, 2003 23:55

Had a good day. I finally saw Jamison. I was at Andrea's when he called and asked me to meet him at McDonalds. So I did. And it was ok, he's the same. Hasn't changed a bit. But it was soooo good to hug him and just hold him. I ended up crying, go fig, and he's like why are you crying? I didn't know what to say, dunno cuz I haven't seen you in months, I love you, I miss you, etc. So then he came and installed my stereo (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) and looked at my fan belt.

He's all over me. Yes I love you and really miss that part of our relationship but that makes it so much harder.

And his tattoo isn't what I was expecting.

Then mom and I sat around and watched baseball.

I do get to work this weekend and next! Wooohoo! I am so glad. And then Liz from Alpha Xi called and wants to hang out and shop tomorrow. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm meeting her at 2 at the mall, and then between 4-6:30 I have to go to the stadium to take a picture and shit for work this weekend. WTF.

Then on Thursday mom and I are getting our hair cut. Thank god. Then I have my NMOM at 7. New Member Orientation Meeting for those who are curious. I wore my bid shirt again today, with my new member badge and colors. I couldn't help it. I want a letter shirt, lots of them so I can wear them proud.

Had to talk to Matt. He's like I want to be your formal date. Oh Joy. Geez that's going to be fun. Finding a formal date. Roy'll be looong gone by then. Damn. Maybe I'll go stag. That or Sara can be my date. =)

Class, shopping, work stuff tomorrow. Am so tired. I should have caught up on more reading today. I'm so bad.

Am going to bed now.


My husband hit his 20th homer of the year today. eeeeee! Career high baby!

my husband, friends, diamondbacks, alpha xi delta, roy

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