Much with the lovely.

Sep 14, 2003 22:59

The girls of Alpha Xi Delta did a beautiful job on preference night. I had so much fun and felt so loved, wanted and appreciated. I was all teary eyed when they sang and talked about the sorority hoping to grow with us. I love Desiree and Liz. Amanda is so nice, Leslie is just wonderful. I had so much fun.

Honestly. I never wanted to be a Theta. There is nowhere else I would rather be than an Alpha Xi.

I am going to miss the girls I rushed with that are in different houses and that dropped. I'm hoping to talk Katie into it next semester.

Wish me luck, tomorrow is bid day. We'll find out if I'm a Alpha Xi or not. =)

A'S WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorority, diamondbacks, alpha xi delta, oakland a's

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