Aug 15, 2014 12:36
I wanna scream and throw things. Jon (the aspie brother) has been bothering me through text messages all morning. Once again, accusing me of things that aren't true... Honestly, he should look in the mirror. Everything he yells at me about is himself.
Geoff (the one who struggles with mental illness) has been giving me a hard time because I mopped the kitchen with pure bleach yesterday and because he has a really sensitive nose, is now fussing that the leftover chlorine smell is going to hurt the kids. Anxiety disorder and clinical depression, remember? To attempt to appease him, I remopped the floor with the swiffer, took the regular mop outside, and took out the trash. He claims it still smells heavily of bleach. Well, it's clean isn't it? No more dirty marks or food stains from the Aspie sister dropping crap on the floor. Now, of course, it smells like swiffer cleaner, which he also hates. So does the hallway because I mopped that this morning, too. I still need to do the living room and finish off cleaning the tub and the floor in the bathroom.
See, Sarah is coming over tomorrow so the kids can play. Her last chemo treatment starts Monday and I'm trying to make sure that it's as clean as possible so she doesn't pick up a bug here. Chemo trashes your immune system, and I want to make sure it's clean. She already almost died once from infection after her first treatment!
It's not like the rest of them help me at all!