
Jan 08, 2009 23:01

As each day goes by, I grow even angrier for the struggle that the Israeli people are facing. If history hasn't been hard on them enough, select groups of people and governments are advocating the decimation of their sovereignty as a nation. The daily news show people "protesting" the Israeli attack on Hamas terrorist factions and leadership, saying that in doing so, they're killing innocent civilians at the same time. The fight over the Gaza strip has been a long one, which dates back to the 1960's (around the time that Israel declared itself a nation). Israeli military forces have been on heightened alert these past couple of years since the "democratic" election of Hamas (a Palestinian terrorist group dedicated to "wiping Israel off the map")in 2006 because of its expresed desire to not negotiate, but to "win back their land" through jihadist activities.

I am always in absolute amazement when I see pro-Palestinian protestors rallying against the Israeli "occupation" of the Gaza strip. I cannot, for the life of me, understand a few things about their argument:

1) "The Israeli's are killing innocent civilians": Yes, unfortunately, they are. But, remember, in this war, the Palestinians launched the first rocket. How would you like it if a rocket was launched at your family? Wouldn't you want to respond? Furthermore, this was not the first rocket that Hamas ever launched into Israeli territory. Muslim extremists and the Palestinian government have been terrorizing Israel and the Jewish people for centuries. This goes back for thousands upon thousands of years. It seems that those who support Palestine are IGNORING the origins of Hamas leadership and the many suicide bombings that have taken place on Israeli land at the hands of the Palestine government.
2) "Well, Israel is occupying Palestinian land. The Palestinians have a RIGHT to defend it!": This was Israel's land in the first place! This is why they declared themselves a nation! Just because they previously didn't have the ability to become a state does not mean that this is not their homeland! Furthermore, when negotiations were set in place, Israel was more than willing to give up land that was originally theirs to Palestine. Not surprisingly, Palestine never wanted to negotiate.

With all these arguments set aside, haven't the Jewish people suffered enough? One of the reasons they formed their own nation was because they've never been welcomed ANYWHERE. Anti-semitism has reared its ugly head in so many nations thereby driving the Jewish people and culture out of the place they call their home. In World War 2, they lost over 6 million of their loved ones and now, with their "never again" mantra helping them to fight on, they are finally able to defend themselves. I am proud to live in a nation where the Jewish people do not need to feel displaced or unequal. It is beyond sickening that the Palestinians, who have committed thousands of terrorist atrocities, now see it as their goal to wipe Israel off the map. Their protests only serve to show the classlessness and complete ignorance of this population.

I hope to God that our next President takes a hard stance against the Islamic fascist state of Palestine, and through negotiations, secures the peace for Israel that she deserves.
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