I finally took my wife's digital camera to the house, where I was immediately seduced by its cool factor and decided to take a few videos instead of snapshots. Turns out the quality inside isn't really remarkably better than my cell phone--less fading on the edges, but still pretty blotchy. Oh well.
This one, though, is actually my cell phone--from this afternoon (the movies are from yesterday; sorry). The last few days have brought horrid weather: 40F, rainy and windy. Just nasty outside--and yet the siding team showed up again today and made some remarkable progress.
Word is that we'll be painting the outside of the house almost immediately after the siding is up; the builders are worried that the temperature will only recover for a short time, and if we don't take advantage of the leftover sunshine we won't be able to paint until next year. That would be Bad.
Anyway, on to the thumbnails. These are actually resized screencaps from the movies, for which I'll post a hyperlink at the bottom.
The floor's a mess, but the drywall is in excellent shape.
In the school room, looking at the portals for the hall, stairs to basement, and pantry. Again, all drywall is done.
Upstairs, showing the octagonal at the South end of the hall.
And some of the early fall foliage. We jumped directly from Summer to Winter here: the temperature plumetted from 65-70F to 35-40F, and has stayed overcast ever since. The trees therefore really haven't gone through their normal slow drift to red/yellow/orange; some have, but most are still muted.
Anyway, I promised a link:
here it is. The zip file's about 33MB, though, so don't expect a zippy download unless you've got broadband. If I had decent video editing software I could clean these raw files up a lot, but I don't, so you're stuck. :)