Oct 12, 2005 01:18
I just got home from the movies. What a wonderful movie, too. I went to go watch Garcon Stupide ( a French film) and i went by myself. What an interesting experience, too, if i may add. It was a little scary at first, but i have to learn to do things on my own because i know that friends and family are not always going to be there. There will be times where i will need or want to have some alone time to do the things that i enjoy, so i can get a different perspective of the things i do, ususally with friends. So i adventured off on my own to watch this movie. I drove rather fast so i wouldn't miss it. I did make it and there were only two of us in the theater. Some guy that had a Morrisey t-shirt on (how ironic...by the way) and kind of looked like a greaser, eh whatever (remind me of my friend Patirck).
Anywho..back to themovie....it was one of those gay films that i was excpecting some cliche sad shit, but yah know what it was a true coming of age story that had a beggning, middle and end. What a great film with good cinematography, even though the angles and shots were of close ups on the actors (it got a lil annoying), but yah now i look back on it and i see that it was a way for the audience to see the true emotion and look in the characters eyes. Well anyways moving on, it did end rather happily where one wouldn't expect. Love was found in a place unlikely (well at least to me). Overall it made me feel like i could get into the main characters shoes and relate myself to his adventures (at least not that extreme..you'll have to see it), but i think many gay guys can sort of relate (maybe).
So i finished the film and i cried a little. I didn't cry cause it was sad or happy or whatever, i cried because it made me think. It made me think of myself and how much i want to aspire to do something great with my life. How i would want to do something that can make someone else be moved, be it art, film, acting, directing,writing or photography. I really am beginning to think and this self excursion to the movies made it happen, gave me new hope in myself and something i haven't felt in a while. That i'm glad to be alive and doing the things i am being able to do. I really have to appreciate myself before i can appreciate anyone else. So i think i am beginning to make the transition from lil boy to a man (with boy tendencies...mustn't loose that, can we now?). I want something so bad that i think i can or WILL DO ANYTHING to make it come alive. Time to concentrate on ME (and not in the sense that im conceited or egotistical) its more like that self discovery where you realize your goals and dreams. It has to come true. something has to happen...no one know what will happen or where they're going or how they're going to get there. If anyone says different then....thats when i think you become egotistical, you must be modest with what you do. There is a time and a place....let me tell you. So i guess overall what i'm trying to say is... WATCH GARCON STUPIDE...i'm sure you'll like it or maybe you won't like it or you'll think its dumb, but its up to the viewer to believe in it, and i am one of those viewers....GOOD FILMS make me feel something and i dont seem to get that very well from big blockbusters, but from Indie and foreign films that have more life and meaning. I rellly DO think that Europeans know way more and tolerant than the United States. Who knew the french were so proverbial..haha
Well i just had a funny thought too....I felt like Tom Wingfield from The Glass Menagrie when he runs of to the movies late at night(minus the undertone where he actually goes off to be homosexual b/c i'm already am....haha)