So, SYTYCD. Season Six. Top Ten performance night.
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH I have now moved into full-out haaaaaaate of Mollee, made even worse because I think she's going to be around awhile. >:O But her puff piece before her solo cemented it-- "Mom, I want to be famous!" I DO NOT WANT YOU ON THIS SHOW BECAUSE YOU WANT TO BE FAMOUS. I WANT YOU ON THIS SHOW BECAUSE YOU LOVE DANCE SO MUCH IT HURTS. And I know, I know, it's one little soundbite that the editors picked, she probably said plenty of other, better-sounding stuff too. But I've never, ever gotten a sense of passion or connection from her dances, and that goes a ways toward explaining why. And her solo suuuuuucked.
- Ellenore and Jakob: Great couple, or greatest couple? I wish the judges hadn't fawned quite so much over them, but they really were gorgeous in their Sonya piece, and it especially stood out in a season that's been lacking "Wow, *that* one's going in the finale" dances.
- Nathan and Kathryn had a *great* Broadway piece this week. Not so much their rumba, in which poor Nathan just looked really really awkward. He and Kathryn didn't seem to connect well to me, especially since I'd just rewatched last week's Legacy/Kathryn waltz where their eyes were just *locked* on each other. Maybe Nathan's like Will, and just doesn't partner particularly well?
- Russell and Mollee's jive. The only thing I could think was, "God, this would be so amazing if it was Anya and Pasha dancing it." I mean I could *see* Anya doing those moves. I just sort of mentally projected her body in place of Mollee's.
OH HAI LOOK it's Danny and Anya's jive from the FIRST WEEK of season 3! Best jive EVER EVER.
- Oh hey also, we keep getting little clips of dances they haven't shown this season, presumably the group dances that were for the results shows we never got because of baseball. I hope they can show them somehow. Maybe they can do them in the finale.
- I'm going to call it as Ryan and Ashleigh who are going home tomorrow.