My very own house doctor

Aug 21, 2010 20:17

My misbehaving gall bladder landed me in the hospital last week. I'm happily home and on the waiting list for a visit to the hospital in Landskrona where pesky gallbladders get removed.

In the meantime I seem to have my very own personal house doctor with the bedside manner of a saint.

On Friday he took me to Sweden's east coast where we bought some good smoked fish and bread which we ate with our fingers on a blanket by the sea. On the way to the coast we impulsively became tourists and took a lovely walk through the woods around Sweden's (longest? highest?) waterfall. After our picnic we took a nice lie down on the blanket in the sun and listened to the birds and the water and each other. It was one of the most relaxing and healing days I can ever remember.

Today he put up the hammock between two trees in our yard and sent me gently out there with books, water and a pillow. He had even covered the ground under the hammock with seat cushions in case I took a tumble. Which I pretty much did trying to get myself into the hammock, but once there I was so comfortable that I fell asleep.

He's giving a lot of thought to the contents of the foods we're eating and changing the way he cooks to make sure that the rumbly gall bladder keeps its cool.

Just think what my life would be like now if I hadn't been playing that silly word game on the internet the fateful night no1grizzly showed up. I cannot imagine it. I'm glad I don't have to.

sickeningly sweet, Björn, best things, happy life

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